Ivana is the victim, and she has made it clear she does not want to talk about it.
I believe Ivana’s allegations (since retracted after a payout and now buried behind NDA’s) that Trump raped her. I fully believe Trump is capable of *anything* for purposes of punishment/revenge/dominance displays.
I mean that was last summer.
In another lifetime, before I started doing a job I gave a shit about (therapy and social work) I was riding the WASP gravy train with a dumb job in politics. At one point I had occasion to stay at Trump’s Hotel of Horrors in Chicago. I should note this was my employer’s choice—even then I’d have chosen basically…
I rely on exactly the same Magi. Sam Bee in particular is a fucking genius.
He started going to Shep McAllister’s barber.
I know what he means.
Santa don’t cop out on dope.
Yes. Another poster brought this up, and you’re absolutely right. I am totally unfamiliar with Hill’s, er, oeuvre, and I assumed she was making reference to some shitty horror movie I haven’t seen in which Hill’s character was killed by a demon and her take on it was “lol sodomy is sexee!” As it turns out, it was a…
Actually just to elaborate on my reply, I kind of assumed the first movie she was referencing was one of the billion shitty horror movies that has come out in the past half decade that I never bothered seeing and that the scene involved someone being murdered by a demon which she parsed as “lol sodomy.” The fact that…
Ah! I had no idea because I literally know nothing about the Jonah Hill oeuvre. I guess it’s one of those plot twists where they’re *both* pretty much assholes! That is the most common and predictable plot twist of them all.
Yes. I would add that, speaking as a dude who lived through some pretty hellish sexual abuse as a kid (including one instance I can remember of violent rape), jokes that take the form of “That sodomy was totally fucking hot!” are kind of shitty ideas. You really don’t know who has lived through what.
That’s a fascinating perspective.
I’m the WASPiest white dude from a long line of WASPs. My father was a complete fucking bastard, but by God did he ever go to work when he was sick. It’s what was always expected of me, too.
It actually reminds me exactly of the time I spent in a small, private liberal arts college in the Midwest in the 90s when young women would often preface their views on any discussion involving campus sexism/misogyny with, “I mean, I’m not some *feminist* but....”
When someone goes out of their way to say “I’m not a PC kinda person,” it sets off alarm bells for me. The rest of what she said is fine/reasonable/her choice but when someone starts off by announcing they’re “not politically correct” I find myself bracing for a shit show.
Are you saying Trump couldn’t get pneumonia if he wanted it? Trump could have the best, the classiest pneumonia with the snap of his fingers. He could have his colourful-Pynchon-minor-character-incarnated doctor write him the best most expensive pneumonia diagnosis ever. Acting like Trump couldn’t get any disease he…