"Hey, you know that one interesting thing about his show? Yeah, we're not really gonna focus on that. See you in October!"
"Hey, you know that one interesting thing about his show? Yeah, we're not really gonna focus on that. See you in October!"
The folks over at The A.V. Club sure have an idiosyncratic notion of what qualifies as horrifying.
Even if you didn't know who this guy is, you could tell he's an asshole by what he's wearing. Only a real piece of shit thinks a white button-down shirt, tucked into a pair of jeans, and worn without a tie despite being worn with a suit jacket, is OK. Fuck this guy.
No, this is way, way past that. It's more like she's a living avatar of the brand itself, not human at all.
I think we can agree they're all horrible.
Objection, your honor! I find her offputting, as though she were a highly advanced artificial life form, or replicant as it were.
I don't know. I've kinda slid into that over the last week or so and I'm rather enjoying myself.
Believe it or not, I have a college chum, whom I have not seen since the 90s but connected with on Facebook and Instagram, who, as part of his incessant virtue signalling, posted a photo of the Red Edition iPhone he got recently. It's astonishing to see someone so transparently trying to be a Good Guy.
The "charity" Bono is connected to somehow.
Maybe Mr. Mueller's attorneys could hire Katy Perry to sit behind them in court reading the newspaper.
I never said that first thing.
I can't imagine anyone being all that upset, or interested in investigating it, if these shitbags got found floating in Long Island Sound someday. I'm not normally a proponent of extrajudicial killings, but this sort of hacker scumbag is both infuriating and embarassing enough to change my mind.
I read that as "carbs" and felt really bad for you.
You're not wrong.
Generation X does not blame Millennials for anything. We all know the seemingly immortal, and definitely immoral, Boomers are the root cause of all of our shared misery.
I guess all those 15 minute commutes to my pizza delivery job are getting to me.
This is nothing but a hit piece on some 20 year old compilation CDs. I thought we'd hit rock bottom with yesterday's fast food condiment roundup.
You really should. It might be my favorite thing on right now, and I really don't like much of anything. Plus, it offers a supportive environment if you, like Mrs. Maitland, Architect and myself, are an unrepentantly unpleasant person.
Clearly inferior to Sharknado 5, which earned an A over the weekend.
I was only joking when I said I'd like to smash every tooth in your head.