Robert Maitland, Architect

I saw him perform in the mid-90s in a fairly small conservatory (there were probaly fewer than 100 people in attendance) at Smith College. As I recall, he didn't say a word to us in the audience, no between song banter, nothing. Amazing show, though.

Oooh, marketing spreadsheets!

Just make her the lead. She's a hell of a lot more charismatic than Brad Pitt.

If he just wants to make this a two hour conversation with John Cale, that would be fine with me.

That they can't find any child actors who aren't morbidly obese?

Maybe he'd be more enthusiastic if we rastafied the surfing dog another 10%.

It was ok. Better than last weekend, at least for me. I went to the gym on Saturday and went a bit harder than usual. Mrs. Maitland, Architect had to spend a big chunk of Saturday recreating a billing file for work when they lost the data, which pissed her off severely.

Good. They both rub me the wrong way, and their unhappiness cheers me.

How about:

Parks is almost a completely different show from the second season on, and then jumps again in quality once Adam Scott arrives. Great show.

They don't let you have bees in here.

My wife says I drive like Mr. Toad. Different story, I know, but it must count for something.

I'd like to see her play Shirley Jackson so she could be the troubled genius for once.

A little piece of you,
The little peace in me
Will die

I hope so.

We know. Thanks.

So going forward, even if there's a colossal general backlash against the Trump brand, there's always going to be a hard-core cadre of loyalists we're going to have to contend with, isn't there? For another few generations we're going to have these remnants haunting our country, gaining toeholds on city councils and

Doctor Wu?

Your honor, I thought Crash was an addendum to my lease agreement.

Pedants Are Forever