Robert Maitland, Architect

The legacy of Rocketship XM? The only people who have ever even heard of it know about it because of MST3K.

Does it include VHS copies of Smokey and the Bandit Part 2 and The Making of Smokey and the Bandit Part 2?

Maybe she's playing his mother, hence the title.

I think the brainwashing and sexual predation kind of outweigh his struggle to become rich and famous.

Given their shared interests and a recent job opening up, maybe DT can help ol' R transition into a new career.

That was more Gallagher 2's thing.

Again, Dick Cavett had some of the best talent bookers in the business, didn't he?

It's tremendously difficult to muster up any sympathy for so boorish an opportunist as this guy.

Maybe it was Bocce.

If the only input these chatbots are getting is from Facebook users and employees, there's no doubt in my mind that they were indeed plotting the end of humanity.

Great Job, Idiots!

Yes. "Blocked."

The part of me that somehow still thinks Steve Bannon is an evil genius thinks this another brilliant move in his war to destroy our trust in our institutions of control.

CBB500 was wonderful, but the absence of Andy Daly hurt it. I have to believe that some sort of conflict between Cal Solomon and Hot Dog for worst aspiring musician would have lifted this ep to a solid C+.

Can you park at the zoo or at the Autry for free? It's kind of shady, but…

My weekend was like a much more stressful and harried version of my work week. It was kind of awful, and not just because I spent it at work, fixing a problem one of our vendors caused. It was extra awful because I got that "job well done/work hard play hard" feeling once we got most of it cleared up, which was

"Is that a man?"

Wow. Dick Cavett's team knew how to book guests, didn't they?

The more I learn about the way Northern Europeans live and eat, the more clear it becomes to me that they are corpse-pale barbarians who eat garbage and live awful lives, and that nothing they do can have a positive impact on us normal people. Please keep your lye-soaked fish and tacopaj up there in Ultima Thule and

Barbara Bain.