I know I'd find it distractingly difficult to tell three female characters apart, so I welcome this news.
I know I'd find it distractingly difficult to tell three female characters apart, so I welcome this news.
heh heh heh
Are you sure you haven't seen Avatar and just forgotten?
It's these things.
If you really want to gross yourself out, imagine drinking one of those little plastic jugs of mystery fluid, the ones with the foil top you would just peel off. Blech.
My mom didn't bring soda (or a lot of other sugary stuff) in to the house when I was growing up, and we didn't eat out very often at all, so it wasn't until i was in my teens that I started consuming soda in any meaningful way. I didn't give it much thought, although I didn't drink all that much, either. However, once…
I'll admit it has been a very long time since I've given it a try. I'll dust it off as soon as I can find it and give it a listen.
I'd get a second opinion if I were you. Maybe you can get an appointment with Dr. Tremor.
We've had this conversation before, and I agree with you almost completely, but every once in a while I need a caffeine boost and don't want coffee or tea (and I will not go anywhere near an "energy drink" like Red Bull or Monster for fear of inducing heart palpitations), so I'll grab a Diet Coke.
Hence, climate change is a hoax.
What exactly is Coke Zero, anyway? I just assumed it was caffeine-free Diet Coke, hence the "Zero", but I've been told that I'm mistaken. And does the name Coke Zero Sugar mean it doesn't have sugar, or that it does?
Metal Machine Music is difficult, and essentially unlistenable, but not bad, in so much as it was never supposed to be good.
I want him to play the Riddler in a good Batman movie so much.
I will go on record as saying that the funniest thing I've ever heard was the Andy Daly/Jason Mantzoukas double episode "Oh, Golly" and "Oh, Golly, You Devil" which featured literally every character Daly had ever done to that point.
Daniel Johnson, Daniel Johnson, Daniel Johnson
Somebody please cast him as an old Imperial holdover in Star Wars IX.
It pleases me to no end that Diana Prince seems to be an art historian/restorer.
Which features Sir Lawrence Olivier's greatest posthumous performance.
So, Newt Gingrich?