It's also to their credit that McCain's truly staggering corruption got thrown down the memory hole. He was called the worst of the Keating Five, which is saying something.
It's also to their credit that McCain's truly staggering corruption got thrown down the memory hole. He was called the worst of the Keating Five, which is saying something.
No Shit, Internet.
Man, Terrence Malick is just cranking 'em out these days. Makes you kind of miss when he used to take forever but the films were good.
Way ahead of you, pal.
That really doesn't sound good.
"More importantly, where exactly would one wear a shirt with 'The Piss Tape Is Real' written on it?"
"A real gimlet is half gin and half Rose's Lime Juice and nothing else. It beats martinis hollow."
I'm very happy to see Laurie Anderson on that list and very disappointed not to see Aimee Mann.
Well, it ain't the adaptation of Life in Hell that I've always wanted, but it'll do.
It's didn't we already do this bits all the way down!
You got it, chum…………………………………p
I have no problem with that.
Are you, though?
I thought that by now you would have cottoned on to the fact that people are morons.
They have 16, but they all ran for just one episode each, they all employed the same actors, they were all written by the same three people, and they constantly reused sets and costumes.
Comment/user name synergy.
Among the many pernicious things the monied class have done to this country, cultivating the notion that the working class has to compete with itself for the scraps from the bosses' tables might be the most damaging. We could win back our rights, and our economy, if we could pull off a general strike for a few weeks.
"Can you Ballardify this another 10%?"
Is greater convenience in buying sodas and signing into Outlook worth voluntarily going from subject to object? Your boss thinks it is.
two things