
The one with a young Jack Black is kind of amusing. Just pretend it’s not actually a sequel but a different movie with a similar premise.

Well, there has to be a counterbalance to Germain, right?

Hahaha. Here are my favorite movies of 2016 (keep in mind I haven’t seen everything):

He is waiting for Gilmore Girls the movie.

Is there supposed to be something in her mouth attached to the stick coming out of it? because either the angles on that are way off, or shes just developed some sort of facial tumor .

I’m confused. Is she pulling a big yarn ball out from her mouth? Saving food for the winter while poking a hole with a straw? Gum?

Just fantastic! Really awesome! This is exactly the kind of smart twist that can really work wonders for and totally reinvigorate a fran...


Now playing

How about we just say white people shouldn’t be making Japanese anime and be done with it?

This may not turn out how you think it will

Wow, twins where one of them is like 9 or 10 years younger than the other. That was a killer pregnancy for Leia.

Just shut up with the peanut gallery approach at click bait already. It was awesome, admit it you closet contrarian bastard.

This shit right here, baby. If this doesn’t make you get hype, and want to run to see this, either you are dead inside or aren’t a star wars fan...

We should all just play soccer. There is never any violence associated with that sport around the world. Very tame fans.

He got all huffy.

I will fully admit that I get all misty at the end of Thunderdome. I know it’s dumb, but still... every time.

Is this hot take of yours water cooled?

Actually you just might be. Over the long run Macs tend to be cheaper as you don’t replace as often.

They should just rename this show “Stephanie’s Boobs”.