
You're an ass. Donald Trump may not be able to save Western Civ — I personally believe it has long been too late — but it certainly hasn't made anything worse. In any case, the alternative would have been unbearable.

So… jealous…

For all my whinging, that's kind of the fun about the way the season did end — there's really no telling where it will go from here. The show so far hasn't shown much interested about the world outside of the team and a few isolated, one-on-one relationships — no complains from the landlord or other tenants about the

I agree about the tropes, of course, but that wasn't quite what interested me.  Instead, I've been struck by out-of-his-depth Rosen has become, episode-by-episode.  Remember what how sassy and confident he was with his handler in his kitchen in the premiere?  Since then, he's become made bad decision after bad

I liked the ending too.  I didn't expect it, for one thing.  But I do have a lot of questions about it.  First, was the Big Bad really surprised by Rosen's going public, or did he manipulate him into it? Sure, Stanton got a lot of his side killed, and the people he got killed were talking about going public, but that

An accountant's car, I think it was.

I think Bill has been pretty irreplaceable too.  He's the grown up (though his teasing can get childish), and this show definitely needs one. To have him learn to respect and like Gary (as opposed to babying and/or humoring him like the rest tend to) was huge, as was his quick acceptance of Hicks as a partner.