subtly at its best
subtly at its best
That because it's called Global Offensive doesn't necessarily mean its all new maps all over the world
Sorry I was doing something while I was typing and must have accidentally sent it... what I meant to say was that although it was called blue shift there was no actual blue shift in the game (in regards to the physics) same can be said for opposing forces
But there was no blue shift/Opposing force (the physics term for both)
Codition Zero... no conditions that were actually zero just sounded awesome
I hope that its the otherway around... GO have much impact on modern shooters, the reason I don't want it to become a BF/CoD clone and for good reason. I love BF, not so much CoD anymore, but still... valve is known for not going with the crowd.
I wish someone would star this brilliant response. I am tired of this as well but I am just glad I am not the only one who sees it but wants the shit to stop.
Gordon Freeman, because I always show up late to the party but I am still awesome, everyone loves me, and I provide great entertainment... unlike my counterpart Douche Nukem.
I love how some people are tearing others down because of the quintessential difference between half life 2 episode 3 and HL3. News flash, you are all going off the rumor mill or information from 3+ years ago.
Catch-22 reading it again so as I can really appreciate it. Extremely good book.
My prediction with this game is on the lines/similar to of Far Cry 2. It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I enjoyed it.
Comparing this and L4D is like comparing Terraria and Minecraft, sure it can be done, but they are really two completely different games
The grenades are replaceable, the spam isn't
But my counter argument, why fuck up a good thing? If origin can't deliver, then what now? The least they can do is offer it on both distribution centers. (Sorry if the language was harsh I just finished watching casino then godfather on AMC Mob week)
Sorry I first thought you said that correlation equals causation... here is another graph that really drives that point home
More like front row far right...
You are not the only one
This was my exact reaction