
Then I think me not buying Diablo III shouldn't surprise Blizzard...

I played CoD 1,2 and 1942 (loved both evenly), slowed down after CoD 3 the big red one, switched to BF:modern combat (liked it), then went to Bad Companies (still love and play), dipped into MW2 (hated it) and Blops (I play at my friends house and that's enough), just got BF2 a month or two ago (love it), and will be

I do prefer BF games because I like more team-orientated play but the CoD franchise must be doing something right to be that famous. I have played both since the beginning (1942 and CoD) so I can give them the timeline of when i liked one series over the other.

It was sarcasm... and it was just suppose to be like that because many times when CoD does something, Battlefield does a similar thing at a cheaper price... (ex. CoD releases $15 map pack, Dice comes up with an announcement for 5 new free maps)

Your right it will be $50 and include the game

For all those who do not understand the jokes, sarcasm, and occasional irony in this piece, I feel bad for you because it was rather funny (yes I laughed during this). If you didn't see that, it means it was wasted on you and that you would take it the complete opposite way it is suppose to be taken. He is making a

It still confuses me why Penn Station is in New York rather than Philadelphia (or any other major city in Pennsylvania for that matter)

Classic New Yorkers...

That is not always true. Sure it's harder but I have had many successful rounds as a lone wolf... its a little more difficult and requires a lot more running, but it can be done

This is exactly what I am saying and agree with. I always tell my friends, "I may get 20 kills and 15 deaths but god damn it I blew up every single crate and saved your asses. BF is about getting the job done and winning not getting the most kills. In a way its more realistic in the sense that it doesn't matter

This is so very true and a brilliant idea. I would hope they add something like this as well almost to spite K/D ratios because that is not what BF is about. Sure include K/D but make it the objectives that are important

Here is my take on why he is wrong in most regards...

It seems logical, if people can have their music, phone, and games all in one device for $250 (iphone).... why spend $250 for each feature (ipod, phone (unless its smart phone without a plan it would probably be cheaper), and 3DS)

First, I grow up in a majority christian area and yes I have seen "actual unbiased documentaries" about it and there are many fundamentalist groups that think video games are "the devil's work." And if you said that just to point out, "oh you haven't seen a real documentary" but do not disagree with the point that

Usually its a way for mmo games (or like mmo games) to not have the wow sub plan (which frankly even if they get grief for it, it works for them)... I would see it hard being a single player game unless it has elements of multiplayer but then it would probably have to be pay2befabulous as gigawings so eloquently put it

WARNING: The following is a generalization and an example that is to prove a point... it is not to be taken as the ultimate truth however it is a reasonable question/situation to be asked and evaluated

Video games, violence, racism!!!! SOMEONE HIDE THE CHILDREN!

The two "big" shooters I think are pretty much going to be CoD and Battlefield, I played both from the beginning (1942 and CoD1) and have played pretty much everyone since. They are both good games in their own respects, I prefer BF because that is more my play style and I like the features they have compared to CoD.

And we have a damn reason to be... dat 32v32...

The beauty of TF2 is that you don't need a gaming pc, an average and even some below average PCs can run it. But you are right on your suggestion