
I read this first as "There is a Half Life on (the way)" and then saw the concept art getting very excited, then usual disappointment, then came here to comment on how I thought it was Hl3 but was disappointed, very meta of me

Wait so was it Micheal that I saw after the overthrowing of Gaddafi leaving the Egyptian airport? Nah probably someone who just wore the same glasses..

Better statement, I don't even know what he said, so much text....

They have a firefox add-on! I'm excited, I mean uhhh I'll go back to my corner (but Im taking the addon with me!)

When he said current gen I thought PC gaming was implied, I thought last gen was PS3 or 360 since there is no other current gen besides the PC

Total Recall.... remember never get excited on these or HL2 articles in general

And to top what tetracycloide said with an example, imagine Call of Duty (or battlefield) without having the scripting power for cut scenes in the first person. Sometimes it not just the experience of the game but the tech that it bought that is great (though the experience usually seals the deal). Another example

They were right about the mod list... I knew pretty much everyone but hey I still <3 mods!

So instead of just threatening to throw out all the dicks.. they decide to eliminate the people that where going to pay. So if they start screaming the N word or racial slurs against Jewish people do we stop allowing black people and jews from going to this thing?

And of course out of all the games that have to teach it, its about running/ruling the world... I saw right through that plot

Alright lets see about X3... if you had it or bought it on the steam sales you know that the manual is about the size of what an actual spaceship manual might be

Leaving Netflix, we have fios so either just watch it on demand, watch it on Amazon Prime, Red box and whatever else we can come up with

And thats the problem with gaming... everyone starts sticking to the same thing and won't take a risk

That is one thing that happened but not the major point of the article. If the rules are unfair (or in some cases illegal, I am looking at you paypal) and there is no alternatives, then he has the right to be angry and demand change

AND.... all these games just went off steam

Yes but Gabe, I believed, originially worked at MS and that's where he got rich. I have a feeling he knows there interworkings very well and knows that he will not sell to them. That would be "one of" the first times he has done something major against community wishes, especially when their whole business plan is

1. Idk

Got two $25 visa giftcards, on the last day all $50 was spent. Spent $15 on myself (Bioshock 4 pack and FO3) and then the other $35 on gifts.

I love this game but he is wrong... and if you take someone away from their dream job and only give them a job where they are making 1 coin instead of say 2 or 3. Its better to keep the place empty. Also money is no problem with me (and neither are bucks), I haven't invested any real money just loads of time (when

No one cares about them doing what they should already be doing, they want support when its broken down the rode. You pay for something and its broken by fault of the people who made it, you deserve the right for it to be fixed.