
They did a huge update that fixed a lot of bugs two days ago, you can check it on steam.

EA trying to make steam/valve sound like the bad guy... what where you thinking on that one?

Floridia... really need to step up and get your shit together

I told you all.. don't rock the horse. Just let it go, and then look what happened, you rocked the horse and a shitstorm followed.

Oh this again... I am from the north and just recently visited the South. I can honestly tell you everyone I know in the north (minus civil war reanactors but including historians) don't care about this kind of stuff; however, out of all the people I meant in the South (locals from a small town) they all seemed to

I remember the water in 1943... it was an XBLA game probably one of the best ones, and the water was beautiful better than AAA games. My friend wanted to send a picture of it to other companies and say, "this is what you are doing wrong"

Google will get smart...

If you don't know this, you are an amateur at steam sales

Get debit card... much easier

I think they were comparing it to Crysis 2 which ran at 30 fps on the console because that is always considered the goto game for graphics and all that. It runs at I think 60 on PC and is a lot better, too bad they apparently made it not as intensive gfx wise because they aimed it at consoles too and for that

Its funny this game makes go back and forth... I first thought this is going to be pretty cool, then after awhile I kind of meh'd it as it seemed it was going to be run of the mill stuff (a cross between borderlands and a few other games) but this video showed me its going to be good and I am back on that train.

These CoD videos are always taken down before I can get to them

I was going to say... all you have to do is throw alcohol at the party at be like... "opps no one under 21 we do not want to get sued." trollface.jpg

I will agree with you there. I am not a big sports fan though I do live in America it just seemed unlikely that that was the biggest "league" because I was thinking FIFIA and other international groups would have a bigger draw. I just didnt think that because it was the biggest league in Americia that it would

I tried enhancing a little bit too. I am no expert so it probably won't show anything new or different. Sharpened, overlayed, did some edge work, a little blur and BAM. I also added a little right to the light but that didnt help with the ship.

It depends what you mean by popular, in terms of audience viewing, in terms of dosh that is earned, in terms of attendance... you may be right and it may be the most popular but I would assume something like Fifia would be because it involves more than one country but who knows you may be right.

Damn you caught us... quick throw money at it and make it better.

Halo, what do I win?

United States ≠ World