
I will be honest, I had no idea until I read the wiki article that either of those things even existed (and I am happy to see you took the whole statement as a joke, and not some terrible raging). Its a very cool video and tilt shift or miniaturization, whatever you did, it was still very well done. Could you

Ah whenever I see this I think of the poster in Stan's (?) room

Kotaku you lied to me... it's not tilt-shift its miniature faking. Come on its a common misnomer! I don't understand how they are able to keep up in the tech and gaming industry if they do not know this crucial difference. []

I will find you in whatever hole of a server you are playing and loudly point out that you are an F2Per and you will face the wrath. The wrath of the server, maybe even the entire TF2 community!

I remember having a box edition of sim towers, sim city (2000 i think), sim copter, streets of sim city, and sim isle. I still probably have the disks down stairs. It was a great time only thing was I was younger so I didn't really get sim isle (though now since I am dying to play tropico i would probably like it),

wrong comment.. ignore.

Oh god, politically incorrect humor... HIDE THE CHILDREN! What... what have you done?!?!?!

These are brilliant especially Kotick and Levine

It's even better when dealing with networking.. (if you ever played the game space station 13 for example), "It's not lag... its a feature"

Worth it because then you can buy all the games you want!

TF2F2P on my good ole' premium account.

First of all, its better to learn your history before you blame others. The way the challenge had to work was that Al Gore had to press for a challenge to the ballot and he chose not to do that. The supreme court gets involved if someone presents a case (its a court, they don't go around looking for cases, the cases

I just read the title as, "Eventually all Microsoft games will suck"

Tbh, I think this new Lara is more attractive than the old one. Maybe it is because she feels more real like an Alyx from HL2 or Chell. They seem more real and that can end up making them just more attractive than a girl with an unproportionate chest to waist.

Captain, I think you won for the day. I can see the resemblance and Jewel is extremely attractive, how Firefly is missed for that reason alone (and many many more).

Captain, I think you won for the day.

What you read, "Creator Markus "Notch" Persson has said that his studio, Mojang, will not be developing the game. Instead, a developer that has "done several console games before" will be handling the project, with Persson acting as game designer."

I would say someone star this man or woman.... but someone already did the honor. All places I can attend and give some love to the east coast instead of just PAX east.

I am sorry it just had to be done...