
If this was facebook I would like that comment 10e1000th times. If this was twitter... well I probably wouldn't see it.

Link to comic because I cant find it

I would star you but I cannot, plus the gods would get angry because you had a slip with your shift key on finding

Parkour affects gameplay immensely. It opens up new options on where and how you can travel. Look at Call of Duty (or BF2), now just compare it on movement to Bad Company 2. The ability to blow holes in walls (which I am arbitrarily equivocating to parkour moves) makes a huge difference in gameplay and strategy. I

Seeing that shark... completely threw me off I thought it was going to be shark related.

I liked it. No need to go for a long tie he summed it up nice. Poignant and true.

Did someone say new stalker?

The ultimate test... my Intel GMA HD! But its nice to hear that Fable is still coming to PC.

I was waiting for this game for years (and i mean about 4 years). So mad at this... SO MAD!

This is just one of those games and articles that I love. I love the whole idea of it and fell in love with it one-two years ago. I thank kotaku for the update and I would love to play a beta version of it. I also like Hecker a lot because we think on the same page so I, like many others, cannot wait for this game

Its why I will rarely buy a mappack, one of the first and only mappacks i got was BF:BC2 Vietnam just because it was worth it in my eyes. Also since I play both PC and console (though this is going to sound fan-boyish), with consoles you only get what the company wants to put out so you only get 10-20 maps. Many PC

Heres an idea if your not keen on passing around a usb... do it so that each person can play and once they do all that and die, they upload it to an online server, same thing happens to the next person except they replace the file with their new updated world of the original. Same thing just without the usb hassle.

I do this now on steam at least, I am late to the party I know. I have tons of single player games left its just I have so many I have to play.

Not going to lie... extremely attractive. A mix between Zoey and the old chell. Like the way the uniform is still there but almost getting rid of it as a second skin.

Oh PA what are we going to do with you constantly telling it like it is?

Parents don't need to watch, kids need to stop being stupid. I mean I grew up with a lot of this fancy pants tech and I turned out just "fine". Kids need to stop doing stupid things, but parents being more attentive is a bonus, but if they do this now imagine later in life...

Another game p*ssies out for lack of a better term to the pressure of making it too real.

Debateabale, valve already lets you bind anything to you what you want and has included a lot of things to help disabled gamers from the start, hell they were even working on sign language for some times. But the free game was nice...

I have heard similar things like this before... allowing customization (which I do not think is too hard) would make it a lot of easier for gamers with disabilities.

Sounds like from the summary,