
@DylanNelkin: I see how you did it after closer inspection, but just because I can see it doesn't mean everyone can do it. Excellent job, subtle but great.

Looks like...

@digimope: You must not of heard of 4chan, I'll just assume you mean the good people and who wouldn't?

@G1bblets: Any time sabotage is mentioned, someone will post this video.

I missed a few things and now I am pissed!

@Eoiny-O-C: Realism in a a zombie game? You make me laugh. HAHA

I love Jurassic Park and its just like another series I like 007 that just cannot be done right. Hopefully with Telltale running the show it will be good.

@Yoshiarecool: You deserve a star. I know who wants to make a video game in 3D just like a bad movie.

Occasionally I will get this high pitch sound (almost like the mosquitoe tone) in my ear... is this what they are talking about? It's not constant but it happens randomly.

Love the game and that song.

[Insert Sexual Innuendo here]

It doesn't have a water temple... we are all good.

Nah, it's just a shitty game.

And so it begins...

Its not just that guy!!! It's firefly!

Anyone else notice the big old, no posting or shared in the text? Gawker is not getting invited anywhere anymore.

@dagamer34: I was going to say, wow that might offend some people... the PS clarified it though.

@DrakeDatsun: idk, maybe that one was, or maybe it wasn't. Still, think it would have been just as funny if it was grammatically correct.