
He says professional and it all makes sense.

"Activision remains a top pick, primarily due to the company's potential to create and monetize a second tier of multiplayer online gaming for its Call of Duty franchise"

Use the Vulcan next time...

I love Molleindustria and will occasionally play oiligarchy and the mcdonalds video game.

And its funny because we just watched a movie about the Evangelicals down south, they would be all over this. I hate when the news tries to comment on games.

I think if someone randomly got wrecked in the video it would have really gotten someone.

@Liquid-X: We playing Majora's Mask later because if so BEN's got my cartridge.

Vote: Nitrome

And Its nice when people gift you stuff during the holiday season too.

Now playing

Many good trailers and I really nee to see the new Crysis one but my favorite was Deus Ex (the 5 min one). Epic trailer.

@strideo: I was wondering if anyone would get it.


Do half the people who play minecraft have a lisp?

@TheHavik: More like a payable DLC! The money train is in the station.

@Nivenus: I hate that, when every game has like 20 GOTY awards its like WTF? why bother? But when valve gets them its okay...

@interkin3tic: See I think your thinking I am focusing on the affair, I could give a rat's ass on who he cheated on. I am one of those ones who just found it great because of the whole [i]"moral crusaders are revealed to be hypocrites"[/i]. And just to let you know not everyone looks upon George Bush as a war

@creamed_corn: oh because I was going to say I played it on PC and I partied in that bunker multiple times but couldn't bring myself to blow it up.