
The First one is the important one.


If I had to have a least of favorites in this arguement...

APB, without the fail.

Dear Salesmen,

As I always quote Ben Franklin on these things, "Those Who Sacrifice Liberty For Security Deserve Neither."

Going microtransction, will see how it goes.

Two great things combined! Awesome work.

Its funny I saw gears of war in this (didn't know Epic made that), borderlands (style of play), and the outrageousness of the Duke.

Anyone else see the irony (if you will) of the picture in relation to the article?

@immafattie: Yeah but the names were close... the WW1 reference is much better.

•Rickenbacker vs. the Aliens

Pretty pathetic if thats the best its got int the free store. Some good stuff sure but it obviously does not have as much as the ipod did.

@Ali-Kharazi: Yeah I noticed that and thought something was up compared to other trailers, I kind of like that though, not giving you the feeling that its going to be something epic but more realistic.

PC gaming can't catch a break (really got into it 5 years ago...) First were dying, now we have steam (which I love) killing us,whats next?

@JabbaB: Yeah i had trouble making out what it was saying... dont need them to be fancy, just get the point across.

The whole first part was like a rage session, letting off the steam, the second was a recovery and hopefully he will deliver.