
I thought that said braille... I was so confused.

I wasn't going to play this game (since I didn't like anything since CoD2 and hated MW2)... but since Cuba said it was for sociopaths I think I am going to pick it up.

@iadagraca: the beta is odd... if you scroll down on a video what was above the video gets placed on top of it.

Was the audio messed up in the video or is it the firefox beta messing up videos again?

Shattered Horizons?

L.A. Noire quote, "What's so funny? Am I a clown? Does my announcement for a trailer amuse you?"

Wet 2? I can see so many sexual innuendos on that name now... anyone shop contest?

I loved how most people were like, New Vegas isn't as good because of the bugs, I picked it up though (my friend suggested FO3 first but never gotten around to it...) and loved it. Its a great game and it deserves to do well. Their are a lot of bugs but hey with a game like new vegas their is going to be some, but

very good... only if the rest of the team was putting work into episode 3, oh wait!

Remember, no Activision.

The one that rang most true was hero wanted. Still very funny.

Looks pretty damn good.

I'll wait for the inevitable 1.99 or .99 cent sale. It will happen eventually and by then maybe ill have a paypal.

@davidgreen360: When I saw the red that was the first thing I thought of.

Sounded interesting... would have enjoyed reading more about it.

@bananapyramid: In the words of Ben Franklin, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."

I love all the puns...