
This is absolutely right. When Netflix threatens the studios, should we:
1) Ban them from getting awards?
2) Make better movies?
Which saves the business model?

I’ve long been a Simmons Accepter, in that his hoops opinions are at least entertaining, if not occasionally salient. but man, I need to take a break from this dude. I literally can’t stand to hear him chide LeBron or Kyrie or Anthony Davis again for like, at least 2 months.

Wait for it....

Fair enough

If this ain’t sponcon it’s worse: unpaid advertisement!

Far be it from me to suggest that a kid in Denver felt he could shove the basketball man because of race, but...

This thick-o thinks you need to have fans sitting right up next to the court. ^^^

rubber gloves, dog

I live for this shit.

On the one hand, having a not-butt Knicks team would be cool
On the other hand, can you imagine the post-game interviews with those two at the podium!?

huh? are male nurses queer now? Not gendering your tasks alone doesn’t stop you from being conventionally straight

It’s neat that he’s not just paying up, but also donating some, but the dude should pay the whole 10% as a mea culpa.


You call?

Always cool when Oates takes lead.

Honestly, fuck the cheap-os who aren’t tipping 20% in this story. If it’s true, I’m glad that his hero was able to get away with getting what’s theirs.

In a perfect world, there’d be an automatic gratuity, but in the world we’re in, where servers have to put up with so much bullshit, the least you can do is

Am I becoming illiterate? Does this headline make sense?

Boo to the Pelicans! A franchise that is harmful to the players unfortunate enough to wind up there.
Hooray for Boogie! who had the good sense to get the hell out!

Part of the problem is his inability/fear? of drawing fouls. Drawing a foul is typically a fairly easy, high percentage play that gets you at least closer to the basket for another high percentage shot. He has to finesse this or ditch the ball.
His defense is alright, though he’s regressed this season, but his offense