
And in 2021, you can pay $1899 for a ‘gatling’ water gun that doesn’t need to refill (just keep it attached to the hose).

Governors can support these policies even as they don’t have the power to enact them (btw, no single elected official does).

Remember when the GOP governors refused federal healthcare funds?
Governors can also decrease collaboration between state agencies and ICE and boost support for sanctuary cities/programs that

I do think that national politics is about systems, constituencies, and influence much more than it is about personality.

Any kind of apology or evocation of regret is not enough. It’s too easy to follow a script. ‘The path to redemption’ can’t be laid out, or it just becomes a series of perfunctory steps back to the money machine.
If people like CK want ‘redemption’ it’s something they’ll have to work at, and it might not (read: probably

Just play Madden or Tecmo Bowl. You’ll get the hang of it in no time!

if the broadcast uses a blue line, it’s for the line of scrimmage

Got ‘im!

Two guys who just like to ask questions

If I understand your question correctly, it’s because inevitability has two effects: bandwagoning and depressed turnout.
So inevitability gives that candidate a bigger portion of a smaller pie.

nothing wrong w being in b4 the empty praise w a reminder that it’s all nonsense.
Politicians should be judged soberly. To celebrate him is to forget a lot.

up : down :: arab : decent, family man

Or city council, ombudsman, etc. Something for which he’s qualified.


Hulk is still the only movie I’ve ever fallen asleep to while in a movie theater.

Some wisdom to 13 year old you.
Bullseye was and remains one of the best Marvel supervillains of the silver screen.

Let the Roman Reigns era now come to a merciful conclusion.

^Found Nicki Minaj

You mean there’s no wacky Lakers day-dream?

Despite all the orientalism, Japan is rad.

This article along with “What the Movement to Abolish ICE Looks Like on the Ground” are two of my all time favorites on Jezebel. Thank you!