
I think he introduced you to the world.

it’s really a cautionary tale about dictatorships and kleptocracy, which hey, y’know, is probably relevant today”lol (cries)

Actually, VAT is good. It’s regressive, but it doesn’t rise and fall with inflation the same way that property taxes do. That’s why there was no tax revolt in Europe in the 1970s like there was here. When you don’t have (somewhat justifiably) angry retirees gutting the tax base, you can afford to insulate the least

Think you’re clever, huh?
E-40 is too good for you smug/lucky fans!

It’s a metaphor


‘my needs’

More evidence of the ongoing opion epidemic in this country

This is a very good article that reminds me of that really old article that got republished here about two years ago. It was about the difference between sport-as-play and sport-as-competition and how kids (maybe esp. boys?) are taught the competition model early on, and lose the joy of just being outside and moving

I hear you, Clem Fandango.

And both are in the same universe as Talespin, right?

I was just thinking about Kiss Kiss Bang Bang!

This seemed like the right course of action with Kevin Spacey. With Gunn, it feels cowardly.

The thing that makes sports similar to “women’s media” is what makes sports journalism a worthwhile pastime: narratives.
Sure, it’s advertorial, but what isn’t?

Calling Unsworth a hero doesn’t somehow rule out all the other people involved being heroes as well.
The term is meant to contrast him with Musk here (and to show the inappropriateness of his thin-skinned reaction), not to put him over the engineers and volunteers.

The way you’re stooping to kiss Elon’s ass must really hurt your knees.

Lighten up, Francis.
Costco allows people to get in with a gift card bc they consider it good advertisement. It’s a way of making Costco an important part of people’s routines when they aren’t yet ready to get a membership. Chances are they will eventually get one if Costco seems indispensable/customers aren’t

I’ve always had a soft spot for LaVine since he played high school in nearby Bothell, WA. On his instagram he often posts at the local burger place.

I’m looking forward to him buying us all a burger when he retires in the next ~3 years.