
I got here as soon as I could, Matt.

That’s the kind of lying a compulsive liar does when he dgaf and knows there will be no consequences for bald-faced lies.

You’re not wrong, but shes also fine because she’s ya know an actual accomplished American patriot with a secure place in history and Roseanne is a cigarette butt in a nearly empty beer bottle embodied as a human being.

Roseanne despises Pres. Obama. Jarrett was his primary political adviser. He once referred to her as his best friend. As a result, Jarrett was mentioned many times on Faux News. That is likely how she made Roseanne’s radar.

Alcoholism is a disease. Racism is the plague.

Every last cast member knew what they signing up for when they hitched their wagons to a vile, racist, pig. Now they’re forever tainted with the stench of Rosanne. They all got what they deserved.

Based on tweets she seems to be alcoholic, in addition to racist. And also crazy.

Fuck it. I’m moving to Ireland.

It was written in both the third and first person!

Fuck that......just run for office starting the next election after you turn 18!! Don’t follow in the steps of these d-bags. Go make history!

Funny because this sounds like a middle-school boy who just got dumped.

This North Korea fiasco shows how much the media is dying to praise trump.

It reads like a fourth-grader wrote it. It’s terrifying how emotionally and developmentally stunted the president is.

I have never in my life been given anything by a massage therapist beyond a bottle of water.

I’m very familiar with the bar that where Tomato Lasagna got water hurled at her and feel the need to spend my money there exclusively.

So we get a shoutout for Tomi after her hair received some needed hydration IMMEDIATELY after it happened, but the guy who stops a shooting at a Waffle House receives a call 4 weeks later? Seriously, fuck this guy

Really? The best you could come up with was ‘SPYGATE’? It sounds like a ‘90s SyFy channel series...

That’s a legal description of why one is allowed and the other is not. From a user perspective, that doesn’t tell me how they’re functionally different, which is what I was asking.

My Uncle the vietnam vet after someone thanked him for his service: “Fuck my service. I didn’t want to do my service. Fuck the people who made me do that service. I only did my service because a prison record seemed worse. You want to thank someone? Thank the people protesting against war.”

In my shame and indolence, the only Philip Roth I own is “The Plot Against America” which is an alternate history / partial biography blend and is thoroughly chilling. I have been wanting to revisit it for years but as the subject matter deals with the subtle (then not so subtle) rise of fascism and its horrific