
For better or worse my neighbor’s vote doesn’t do shit since we live in a red pocket of a blue state. I’d much our country didn’t fail its citizens and we required broadband coverage everywhere like we did telephones, but that’s the situation we’re in and it doesn’t seem like its going to change anytime soon. We’re at

I guess that’s easy to say if you live in the kind of place where its easy to get decent internet. Some of us live in areas where internet is often slow, unreliable, comes with data caps, or is prohibitively expensive. The potential for $100 a month 100+mbps internet is a life changer in a lot of the rural US, let

Jesus that’s pessimistic, I’m only in my 30's.

Yeah, I’m sure an entire company of literal rocket scientists just forgot to check the forecast.

It’s probably specific to older imports, but Posidrive screwdrivers.  Unfortunately most people don’t know about these or how to recognize posidrive screws, use a phillips screwdriver instead and strip the heads.  If you own an old British sports car and don’t want to spend a bunch of time swearing and replacing

The exception is that if the stock mobile charge cable can physically fit in the empty space under the hood there should be a place to stow it there. My extensive personal experience is that its much more convenient to have it there when you need it rather than in the under trunk storage compartment most EV’s have,

Even if it didn’t get recycled for years, the effort and materials that went into updating this into a ship its owner might set foot on twice before he forgets about it or replaces it would have been more productive doing almost anything else. How much marginal utility do you get for that all that expended effort? A

This would be so much more useful to humanity in the form of recycled steel than it will be as a rarely visited billionaire’s plaything.

OK, would you rather be shot in the head before you even have any idea what’s happening, or slowly die of dehydration while the other 40 dying people you’re trapped with shit on you?

I suspect the cost savings are going to be so significant that the charging infrastructure cost won’t be enough of a concern to delay things.  The maintenance reduction alone would be worth it, let alone cost of fuel.

This feels like the kind of thing where they had a greater than expected number of warranty claims on seat motors, and since the Model 3 and Y have a just couple computers that control the car instead of having separate modules for everything, they pulled logs and realized some #$!%ing kids were playing with the seat

“If that’s the way you’re going to be then fine!”

If the average cost to build all Teslas is $36,000, a base Model 3 is surely significantly less than that currently. If they’re making base 3's for say 25-30k now factor a lower cost for next gen battery tech, a smaller less performant drivetrain, some cost savings (manual seats, less speakers, steel roof), and larger

This feels like a weird thing to call SpaceX out on considering they’re literally the only ones actively trying and succeeding at recovering and reusing their rockets and fairings. Besides the Shuttle every other rocket system just crashes into the ocean and sinks, or crashes into Kazakhstan and is left there until

But I’ve been hearing from everyone that a center mounted gauge cluster with no HUD is clearly dangerous and irresponsible.

Yep, metro areas will still have a small number of gas stations for classic vehicle owners, probably a single pump outside the NAPA or similar. Rural areas you’ll be buying cans the same way race fuel is sold now. Either way it’ll be a gradual decline in availability over decades.

Bizarrely my experience (and I think that of many others) is that the car gets better over time. I’m not talking about the software updates, but rather the fact that Tesla does rapid hardware iterations and has sometimes questionable factory QC, if seems you often get several things fixed under warranty in the first

There’s a certain class of people that find that interesting, and its for largely the same reason he’s always drawn with a big nose in political cartoons.

Turns out volcanoes aren’t new. If you want to figure out why it’s suddenly getting warmer much faster than it ever has before, maybe look at the shit that’s new.

You pump water into a salt flat and collect the salt after the brine dries. It tends to use water in places that don’t have a ton of it, so is it perfect? No, but no resource extraction is, and it’s a hell of a lot better than oil.