Dream Crusher, a name suggested by steliosr32

My estimates are that a base model "Supra" will start at around $59-62K topping out at $70-76K. Expect the BMW variant to cost $4-6K more

I always thought the diesels used by Jeep were made by VM motori?

What the fuck dude? You should do your research before posting shit like this, this video was taken in Syria. Syrian snipers did this, not American.

This must have put the pilots in a bad mood.

I believe the only time they won't comply with the extradition order is if the individual faces the death penalty. Then again, I might be wrong.

1) Italian cars are renown for their electrical systems, the first thing I want is an italian car that's had its electrical systems tampered with by having a stereo system installed

When the E60 debuted, I hated it. Now I drive an E60 and I prefer the way it rides compared to the F10. BMW's tend to age well for the most part. Especially after the LCI.

RWD, as the T-rex riding, Republican endorsing, concealed carry permit holding, red meat eating, country music listening, MURICAN Jesus Christ intended.

Same here. If i had to have an automatic, it would be a ZF box but i want a manual.

You are overthinking things. No one lists after a non M late model 6 series. Lastly, your suggestion that someone go after a 6 cylinder version as opposed to this is irrelevant as they didn't sell that model with a 6 cylinder in this

There was a way to avoid rough shifts. If you lift off of the gas in between shifts and shift with the paddle (kinda like you would with a regular manual) the shifts are actually kinda smooth.

The 630i wasn't offered in the USA. 645i/650i and the M6

If Tesla ever lets Top Gear near one of their cars again.

Autobahn...Tesla wants to appeal to German buyers as well.

Lucas l, the HOTTEST name in electronics.

I think I've proven myself as a trusted contributor, can someone pleaze remove me from the pending list? ¿Por favor?

Lexus now...interesting, bold, and FAST

You buy a Porsche with your buy a Ferrari with your heart...any Italian car for that matter.

I saw one of these out on Long Island. I doubt it was an original as it was LHD. I assume the person converted it down to the standard STi exhaust.

BMW 5 series GT.
Not very good looking
Not as practical as the wagon