
Sherry Spencer (Richard’s mother) complained to ABC Fox Montana that her business is suffering—apparently some people don’t like her son’s “political views,”

Her house is listed as the office for Spencer’s National Policy Institute. So. Yeah. There’s that.

Fuck this dudes mom

Rabbi Altmann and his secretary were sitting in a cafe in Berlin in 1935. “Herr Altmann,” said his secretary, “You’re reading Der Stürmer! I can’t understand why. A Nazi libel sheet! Are you some kind of masochist, or, God forbid, a self-hating Jew?”

My only hope is the Lindsay Graham and John McCain, both being so outspoken about having an investigation, know something is rotten. I can’t believe I just typed that, but it really is going to take Republicans to stand against this since anything the Democrats is just a “conspiracy theory advanced by the liberal

So, how is Trump not being investigated for treason? This really looks a lot like a conspiracy between billionaires to give control of America’s resources and political offices to a hostile foreign government.

It really isn’t.

I said this right after the election: how long before the white lower to middle class people that got Trump elected realize he gives zero fucks about them?

I can imagine that the hatred that middle America has for people living the cities is very responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals. So, now, when the conservatives fuck them over, I will be there cheering. If my cheering is more offensive to them than people taking away their houses, their medical

What a crock of shit. Liberals have also been more supportive of policies that have given a lot of rural middle America much more financial stability than they would have otherwise had. If it had been up to Republicans these people would have been left to die in the street decades ago.

I just don’t get it. What do these people want?

I can only imagine that the oh-so thinly-veiled disdain liberals have for certain parts of middle America is in no way responsible for their unwillingness to vote for liberals.

They voted for racism and sexism with no concern about how the outcome would actually affect their lives.

Yeah, pretty much. Were extremely fucked. As a straight while male living in New York City I am considerably less fucked than everybody else, but it makes me sick to my stomach the shit my friends are going to have to deal with, be it having an abortion, or the 2 amazing women I know who just got engaged to each

It’s infuriating reading about Trump voters who currently are enrolled in Obamacare and blindly refuse to believe that Trump would get rid it. There was a vox article about exactly this in Kentucky, where not only did the state rebrand their own healthcare system to remove any phrase connecting it to Obama, even

it’s probably more productive to focus your anger at the rich manipulators rather than the poor, powerless people being manipulated

Honestly, I’m right there with you. Were it not for the fact that the next 4 years will fuck over women, people of color, immigrants, and the LBGT community, I’d be more than happy to kick back and watch the rural white working class that elected this lunatic get exactly what they voted for, good and hard.

Agreed. Fuck the hicks that got us to this mess.

Yup. I’m moved from being aghast at this election to Let It All Burn. Let rural America die quick. Before America as a whole will come together to challenge 21st century issues (and the ever continuing pre 21st century issues of racism, sexism, etc) we are going to have to feel something much worse than the Great