
The first thing the House did in January was vote to get rid of the entire Ethics office. Then the public backlash/ resistance rained down. So it’s been tried.

I have that Bostitch compressor, its fantastic! Mine was a pile more money, but it came with nail guns. It drives air tools, fills tires, good for paint sprayers and airbrushes.

I have that Bostitch compressor, its fantastic! Mine was a pile more money, but it came with nail guns. It drives

She’s a constituent who was brushed off and got so angry she lost it. You don’t know this person or what she faces, but we who may face a death sentence from spoiled self important assholes in the House have every reason to be livid! There’s no indication she tried to run them off the road, only that she refused to be

There’s a woman who was arrested for laughing at a confirmation hearing for Jeff Sessions. A reporter arrested for asking Tom Price a question in that public space called a state legislature building. Now, we get a trumped up charge on an angry constituent this douchebag tried to ignore.

The estate tax exemptions are about family businesses, which can easily get a high value on paper but produce limited cash flow. We’ve farmed our place since 1804, but a full wallop estate tax would force us to sell. You prefer more Big Ag? Our employees out in the cold? (Literally. Farm hands live on the place, no

This leaves out a huge chunk of reality. We know the brain is full of stem cells and can heal itself up to a point, but it seems to take some heavy aerobic work to get it going. Like a lose 80 pounds ride every day interval training type of cycling. I’m surprised DoD isnt looking at that, although there’d be no cool

They won’t be, because the majority of brain drugs don’t do much. And Electro therapy means electroshock or electroconvulsive therapy, which damages memory. It’s for depression. Extreme cases.

If you have narrow shoulders this may not work so well, mens are broader. As a woman with wide shoulders mens shirts fit me well of the rack ( 40 regular sportcoat!).

Shoulders really determine wether this works well. I’ve been wearing mens shirts for years because my shoulders are wide. I have my favorites, which fit perfectly. But if you have narrow shoulders, it might not be your thing.

Get the link for assault and battery. You ignore the man winding up with a head injury and bleeding all over the plane. Judges aren’t down with that.

Well, the criminal issues need to be looked at. Aggravated criminal assault and battery? When the passenger winds up on a stretcher and needs hospitalization, it’s not about fine print unless it’s Criminal Code.

Oh stop that! Watch the video, there’s plenty of it. United was nasty and high handed about asking for “volunteers”. So they set thugs loose who arbitrarily grabbed an elderly Asian man and commited aggravated criminal assault and battery. Dude was knocked out, that’s a level 3 concussion. Significant injury.

Watch the video. There was no polite about any of this, just hired thugs grabbing an old man because Let’s Pick On The Asian. You can hear the man say “I’m a doctor, I need to see patients first thing in the morning.” He’s 69 years old. He got an ugly head injury because violent nutjobs with a badge assaulted him with

Trump isn’t highly conservative, he’s right wing extremist. Many clicks right of conservative. If the military has gone fascist that’s bad.

Chicken hawk means something very different than you think it does. An old term but nothing to do with war.

Smarmy is old, but a splendid word!

High school biology class?

As a Katrina sufferer, you want to just run away before big weather catastrophes strike. Or lay in more supplies, but for either you need the Weather Service to telling you it’s coming. Call your Congress people, or has the numbers and names. There was talk of cutting NOAHs funding, and they run

Actually, all those buildings are looked after with Crown money. Not Elizabeths personal fortune, but a Trust of property and income owned by the Crown. The monarchy itself. This money usually goes into the budget and pays for stuff taxpayers do, so maintaining the palaces and whatnot is legit. But nobodies robbing

I get a branch off a bay laurel periodicly and dry them. They go in pots of beans, usually black eyes but red beans too. They don’t have any ‘medicinal’ smell, they put a lovely green perfumery nose on the pot. And they taste better.