
Trump has a long history with Russia. It’s pretty sordid. Lots of money laundering for Kazakstanis’ who are bag men for Russians. Those empty apartments all over New York are for that, and Trump would have units, never lived in, turning over from shell corp to shell corp.

I see no similarity at all. An eight year old child is an innocent. A GW of the Klan is a commander of a racist domestic terror organization that’s murdered far more Americans than any Muslims have. You don’t seem to understand just how scary awful they are. Hitler copied the Klan, read their books and modeled the

Obama’s Ed Sec wasn’t on a jihad to get rid of public schools. Trump didn’t seek her out, she bought the post. Knowing the name of a notorious education opponent is different than not knowing the name of a normal person.

It’s an idea fed to people from Hate Radio in the Nineties. It started in a boardroom, not in a PTA. This is about damaging schools.

David Vitter. Perhaps Louisianians are cynics, so let’s say half boys and blow, half spineless. ;)

Found it! You got the wrong chart. This is total disbursement, but not the Budget. The Budget is 55% military spending. You need to correct this.

Social Security is citizens money held in a trust fund. It’s not part of the General Budget and shouldn’t be written about as though it were. Your graphic is a very wrong bit of propaganda. Where did you get it?

These guys have been taking lobbyist money and doing who knows what behind the scenes. Trump probably has stuff on most of them. There were Russian or Russian aligned mob types doing business out of Trump Tower, even the Trump Co offices, who ran prostitution and drugs and 45 paid a huge fine for money laudering at

If this was a Putin style country McConell would be long gone, along with Ryan. Our journalists still publish and mock the POTUS. We’re nothing like the Russia of today.

Blsck folks call it “the pink people”. They’re right, LOL! Actually white humans are pretty rare.

That’s white as in bedsheets worn to rallies. Not a pinkish, low melanin genetic trait. It’s Fox News, you knew that!

Decent people are always sitting ducks for liars, cheaters, and theives. Since we don’t do awful things we assume other people behave too. Unfortunately, billionaire sociopeths have recruited the ruhless and the cowardly into government as their henchmen and it’s hit critical mass.

Just as good? Klan. Sad yahoos like David Duke. They don’t like that.

White supremacy isn’t tied to hating Jews. Jews were brown but now they’re white people. Remember, white is a construct. And white men keep their power by having an Other to scare ppl with. The Other was blacks, then Jews, today it’s Muslims.

I really don’t see him being bothered. Did he make a statement about the White nayionalist who murdered a bunch of people prating this weekend? He doesn’t care about other peoples dead kids.

These raids require months of planning, training, and reconaissance. That wasn’t done here. Trump thinks it’s like a TV show, just send out the heroes and our side wins. Not like that. With better prep it may have gone well. But Trump/Bannon don’t think, they just act and it turns into a shitshow.

Pence will do that stuff. They want Trump to blame for the horrible stuff they have coming. Then they ax him and put in the crazy Dominionist zealot who’s even scarier.

Christian is just a code word for white. Or white-er. Do remember that bit, Congress shall make no law regarding the establishment of religion? The spiret of the Constitution expects there to be no religious tests, they’re prohibited within the US. So, it’s unConstitutional. Probably, but 99% sure. That’s Pence

From the Middle Ages to a truly enlightened modern society is a process. We also have the shamful internment of Japanese Americans from that time. But most of us have learned. With talk of Muslim registry, the reaction of a huge chunk of Americans is Well, I’ll register too in protest. That very new, but it’s big

That’s cool. I’m an old “whitest of the white” Southern lady. I’ll do it. When every white Episcopalian in the country registers it sends a pretty distinctive message, of a particular kind.