Wal Mart does this, we subsidize their labor costs to the tine of a million dollars a year per store. So The Geediest Family In America can have 120 BILLION DOLLARS!
Wal Mart does this, we subsidize their labor costs to the tine of a million dollars a year per store. So The Geediest Family In America can have 120 BILLION DOLLARS!
Actually, the people who died in the street for unions and decent working conditions did so at the height of the robber baron era, 1890 to 1910 ish. If you look up Triangle Shirtwaist Factory and Mother Jones (the woman) it’s pretty amazing stuff. It was another sort of civil war.
Come on! Modern America as the envy of the world wasn’t built on that bullshit idea of the market decides. It was built by well paid union labor under the Glass Steegall Act. Children were educated in good public schools and at free or super cheap state universities. And the rich paid their taxes. Democratic Socialism…
Maybe you’re angry because you’re drastically underpaid too. Anybody that works full time at a hard job like fast food or Wal Mart or driving a cab deserves to be able to live a simple but secure life. If you’re outraged because your college degree is only getting you that much, you need to turn your anger towards…
Not really. You should look into how much the stockholders and management are making off underpaid labor. They live in twenty million dollar apartments. They keep gemshopping.com in business. Maybe they need a few less $50k bracelets so people can feed their children.
Do you actually own a McDonalds franchise? Because if you do, I know several things about you. First, you’re stinking rich. Nobody owns one Mcdonalds, they only come by the geographical area. Second- you can damn well afford it. This has already happened in other countries and prices rise by pennies.
Nope. Australia already a $16- an hour living minimum wage. The price of a Big Mac rose sixteen cents but people with the shitty food factory jobs at your local McDonalds can afford to live on just one full time job. As can the working people across that country. Our people should have that too.
Hah! Walgreens has clothing and housewares. Full size Christmas Trees. Picnic tables. It’s amazing what they stock!
In the US, you can buy almost anything but a sofa or a table saw at a drug store.
Well put!
Stein got way more attention than Nader, and probably stayed in it thinking it was harmless - everything told us Hillary was running away with this. Besides, once your name is on the ballot, it’s there, idiots can still burn a vote. The huge problem in American elections is no turnout. Stein should have been…
I figure $20 bucks to poke El Cheeto in the insecurities was worth it! Even if the recount goes nowhere, well, Stronger Together.
Not an error, LOL!
Is it a public hospital? That’s what you want for mental health, it’s no bullshit and no hanging around to run up the bill. And it’s good for people to rub shoulders with the homeless, that hard jolt of going to hell all together has a lot of benefit.
Publicists telling stories. It’s what they do. Most of the kardashian following are clueless so they think it’s like a regular hospital room where families can camp out.
Do you know what it costs to live in a hotel in a foreign country for weeks? On top of medical bills. And in any full service decent hospital in the world there are English speakers, we’ve trained a zillion foreign doctors here for decades. As has Britain.
It’s the publicists doing their thing. Kanye is so heavily medicated he’s drooling and not even aware of time passing. That’s not snark, that’s what happens. It’s the only way to cool off a brain fire. Kim is probably let in for about twenty minutes a day. But the public doesn’t know this, they think it’s like other…
This obviously after abortion clinics, but the upside? Maybe it’ll hit those fertility clinics the rich use but the right wing extremists never think to go after. They produce a lot of embryos.
My first thought? Can you the abortion pill in Texas? Cause that’s at home. Wondering if a sane person slipped this in. Because this entire bill is the sort of rabid extremism we see in mullahs preaching violence, these dreadful men want women incubating cannon fodder. Or so Breitbart tells me.
Oh. HPPA counters that, we hope.