
Humans have known for millennia that hymens get shed easily and for many innocuous reasons. This gets into either malpractice or just gross incompetence. Doctors are supposed to know better, 1998 wasn’t the Middle Ages or even Mid Century.

The true leftover sandwich is a layer of everything left from the feast, on dinner rolls, with either butter or Helman’s mayo. If you like greens and served’em, they go on. This is where you start with variations, but if it’s good together on a plate, it’s amazing on a sandwich 24 hours later.

Oh! You can put all sorts of stuff in a waffle iron, dressing waffles with gravy and turkey are good, you can put those canned cinnamon rolls in one and cook them, it’s A Thing.

What do they think she’s done? Or is it all about The Uppity Woman?

Send money to the ACLU, they’re OUR constitutional attorneys. Become a card carrying member.

This is a great idea, but I got rid of Facebook. Is there an app?

Excellent! Thanks for the link.

There’ll be a stink, but rigging elections like the GOP has already done with voter suppression means they can’t protest too loudly.

My brain says the Dems needed a third party to do this and as Dr Stein is a patriot, of course she’s right on it!

Plenty of those people would breathe a huge sigh of relief over Madame President Clinton at this point. Sometimes you have to hold your nose and vote for a lesser evil.

I wouldn’t worry. These people have guns and fantasies, but they’re usually cowards who won’t get off the couch. Trolling the internet is easy, taking on law enforcement or military in the cold and dark is hard.

Another name! That butt fucking guy.

This whole crazy /genius thing started as somebodies ax to grind, usually supported by references to Van Gogh and the like. It’s completely invalid. Painters, until recently, were exposed to toxins as a daily routine that would affect them mentally, along with plenty of other poisons in a pre science world. Plus

Is it self indulgent? Or is it all he knows at this point? A sick brain and it’s treatment is so all consuming there’s not much else there. It becomes a nothing in, garbage out sort of equation. This also says he’s been ill for some time and known it, so his handlers know it. Kim knows too, bottles of pills and

All SSRIs were designed as anxiolytics, and they aren’t very good for that. They’re marketed as anti depressants, despite not doing very much for it. There’s a huge difference there. Anybody with actual major depression being given Lexapro needs a new doctor quick, and a real anti depressant. I wouldn’t be too worried

That’s not misogyny, it’s fact. The entire Famous video is a train wreck on a thousand levels, but it’s own internal misogyny is what you should be aghast at. And that it’s a giant rip off of a painter who actually makes art. Kanye didn’t even seem to understand that he stole somebodies work outright with no

Interesting. The same people won’t even discuss reasonable gun control. Put those two together you get mayhem.

It only takes one asshole. I got judgemental crap from a nursing assistant in an GYNs office for telling her I’d had an abortion. It’s not these people’s fucking business, it’s our medical history. Even Plan B is private, HPPA protected medical business. Anybody working in pharmacy is supposed to know this.

No, fuck Debbie Wasserman Schulz, because if she’d been on top of the voter suppression issues, as head of the DNC in charge of federal level office elections, this election would be very different. This stuff was in the papers, it was a coordinated plan playing a long game, and she was too busy taking payday loan

First, castration is cutting off balls, not his dick. Second, abused women think about doing this but don’t. It’s very rare.