
I'm so happy I saw this made resubscribing to Netflix worth it, so much that I'm am willing to buy a blu ray of this season. Which I presume would come out when S2 arrives.

are you saying it's a letter grade Dowd from the consensus?

I Finished the Tomb of raithwall in FFXII and now need to fight that traitor, I really should just give everyone raise and sword skills for certain fights.

yeah they just threw A's to stuff like Babette's Feast am I rite?

I'm level girding or putting off grinding in FFXII,

I love FMA, all kinds of odd music. You snarks are so uninspired.

I saw it! it had no tom hardy but it did have a tangerine dream score and Tim curry.

Zune: desert planet

Man, I didn't know about that all I got was headlines like "Charlie sheen #Winning"

I'll probably play the same games on my backlog, Fallout 4 will have to wait a few months. A pity I enjoyed New Vegas on launch day, and I was lucky with no game breaking bugs.

I've been playing a few games of TF2, are there any no item servers? The new stuff has gotten ridiculously unbalanced.

At the end of last gen the consoles resembled PC's so much with their firmware updates but on a closed ecosystem that I didn't hesitate to build a pc after the new consoles came out. I don't even care much about graphics I mostly like more control of my hardware, and quirky games that time forgot like "Precursors".

I played the Halo 1 remake recently having never played the other games, I liked the big levels and messing with the enemies. Lots of repeated content though and the Flood aren't that fun to fight, which is clear in the infamous "library" level.

"The Next Girl with the Dragon Tattoo: Black iMacs"

Just in time six eleven months before the election!

I thought Lawrence of Arabia was shot in Morocco? another nation known for filming locations (Though Tunisia has the star wars ruins, *predicts news story of star wars fans camping there being killed by terrorists in December)

An article that brought attention to an internet nobody by trying to mock their far right-wing themed Disney parody songs. it basically feed a troll, making the comments say "why are you giving this arse attention?"

Kimba was the original democrat lion anyway.

I figured out your supposed to yell at the messenger guys but not the guards that go "You are not Bash" resulting in losing attention.