
The hot new game "Finish college before your 25" has taken most of my time. Last I played FF12 I was trying to do the hunt for the ghost in Lowtown but it beats me in 5 hits so I just do the main story, "Look at me I'm captain Bash" good plan folks.

You mean snot in stolen code?

Nope it's on steam, you can get it for Mac and Linux too.

Wes Anderson gialao!

All those comedic westerns sure are popular right?

I imagine those Zelda style action battle scripts will be a pain on a touch screen, but anything turn based should be fine square already put a bunch of old FFs on the app store.

RPG maker MV is out now so I'll play around with that. Being able to port games to IOs android and HTML is the biggest feature. Though the since the software uses Javascript the UI looks a little like a myspace game.

Playing FF12 again, I just got out of the prison and back into Rabinastra…or something like that.

The only time I ever went into a Tower Records was last year in Kobe, Japan. Where physical media stores still live, I almost considered buying the Japan only blu-ray of Human Nature but didn't.

I'm working through FFXII which is actually pretty excellent so far (actual world building and intuitive combat!) but I've distracted myself when I bought 007:blood stone and dishonered: GOTY version on PC. I remember dragon age having something like gambits but never found it so useful as it is here.

I bought that thing for 50 dollars on release day in 05, I was in middle school though and I thought shadow was kool.

When someone wants to feel superior to someone who listens to Serial they call it "white peoples entertainment", which somehow never said about the Howard Stern show.

So it's not like the This American Life tv show?

I dunno what the state of Maine has to do with this…

I think Kurt Russel was an executive producer and really wanted to be Snake again.

If that gerald bulter remake ever came out there would be oh so many "In defense of Escape from L.A. pieces"

I bought all the saints row games on pc for 11 dollars on steam and have been playing 4. I already own/played 2 and 3 on Xbox but its nice to have them on one machine. Saints 4 is pretty awesome, crackdown type fun with a lot of variety, I wish there was some daylight though because I can barely see any of the