I'm going to Brazil, it's got nice beaches and buses. Plus it's not the USA and therefore better.
I'm going to Brazil, it's got nice beaches and buses. Plus it's not the USA and therefore better.
Playing FFXII on my PC through PCSX2 magic (not black magic I own the game and a PS2) I'm liking the big town area but it seems like I can't do any other hunts until I've leveled up.
I prefer the rabbit island http://www.atlasobscura.com…
I've only played twin snakes on the GameCube, I was thinking of giving the 360 HD collection a shot but I'm just going to hope that Konami releases that along with 4 on the PC someday.
I guess I'll just watch the first 2/3 of The Clearing again. I'll imagine Redford is taught a lesson by Dafoe instead of what actually happens.
Aw this is just a small matter DEFLATEGATE!!!!
I went to a tower records in Kobe Japan, it was kinda cool I thought about getting the japan-only blu ray of Human Nature but reconsidered since importing was cheaper.
John hamm as Ridley and Elizabeth moss as Samus, and umm January Jones as a door.
All genesis games had a square synth sound, which seemed to make all games futuristic sounding. I think like any game the more expensive to produce the less experimentation.
Youth without Youth, but without Tim Roth?
Was this a John Hughes script?
I used to love COD's search and destroy mode and even a little counter-strike but I kind of stopped having so much time to get good so now I just occasionally play TF2.
in hindsight I could appreciate what the game was trying to do, but the game felt really padded and seemed to strain to make up new characters/conflicts by the last island (mission 45: "oh shit the Albanians!" mission 46: "Niko I got a big favor for you…oh shit Albanians!"). Also there was very little use for in-game…
I finished Tomb Raider (aka the passion of Lara Croft) whihc improved quite a bit at the end but seemed to be a game that could have used less of a budget after the 8th set piece/cut-scene of Lara barely surviving.
Playing an little game called Painted Heart http://rpgmaker.net/games/6…, very nice looking game though I had to bump down to casual after dying on the first fight.
I actually like watching people play games I can't finish or are awful, granted I can't watch if I find the people grating.
I'm going to try and finish pillars of eternity and maybe download a couple steam games I got on sale.
My backlog of games is still pretty tall so I'm in no hurry to get more games, but Deus Ex looks pretty sweet and I'll probably play shenmue 3 if it's released outside of PS4.
Going to play some ps2 games I picked up from a local comic store. Shinobi was a game I picked up solely because it's an Overworks game, I don't think I could play this without savestates, but it's pretty cool.
Tropico 4 aka tropico 3+ I'll get to it evenutally but I have a job interview.