
well Disney can always get the cast of "dog with a blog" to replace them.

bring on brother Clint and we have a surefire hit!

you know if Nicolas Roeg was involved I might've watched it.

Starring in Creed? But he don't look like Scott stapp

Also the source of a joke in The critic, which was lost on me until now.

I played alot of skyrim, even on a lousy laptop at 800x600 resulution the legendary edition is the best 31 dollars I've spent.

Zelda links awakening is totally like the tempest and stuff.

listening to an audiobook of Red Harvest, very early into the book but am pretty sure I know where it'll go based on derivative works. though I would love to be surprised, pretty good so far

I saw The Master Sunday night. I was simultaneously overwhelmed and in love with the movie for most of it, but started to feel weary around the 2 hour mark. There will be blood actually improved on a second viewing, no doubt this film might just grow on me.

Will smith no doubt wanted to put his entire extended family into the movie.

Finished Kotor 2 for the first time. and had the restored content mod installed. I think I really like it more than the first game, at least about 4/5ths of it. yeah the last few hours of the game really pushed the combat system into some unfun areas, but still I liked just about all of the dialogue.

For a second I read that as he hated The View.

Are you his former A.D.?

somehow when I saw the screencap I thought this was that episode where the Vorlons prepare Delenn for pain via torture.

the clear visionary to remake the cinematic milestones of Coleman Francis is none other than…McG

The Animal 2: Rated pg-13

he's gonna take to his elephants and cross the rocky mountains

Pfft, show violence by a mass murderer being gross is upsetting. Showing some white haired old fart shoot foreign dudes is perfectly fine as long as they don't bleed too much.

Did Ziff-Davis buy the onion? everyone's moving out