I like the Hughes brothers work, they've been making mostly genre films since menace to society but their output is certainly more interesting than say whatever "director of training day" is doing.
I like the Hughes brothers work, they've been making mostly genre films since menace to society but their output is certainly more interesting than say whatever "director of training day" is doing.
yeah, a real bullet sponge on hard mode.
Rented Bioshock: infinite and played it on hard until the second fight with that ghostlike enemy, which wasn't very fun to fight at that point. Otherwise I'm really enjoying the game and will gladly pay 10 dollars in redbox money to finish it. I'll probably buy the GOTY version for pc preferably.
another solid Cliff Martinez soundtrack
We know you kids bought Modern Warfare 2 so now here's the white house in flames, wikileaks is the villain, and splosions baby!
Did pain and gain already come out?
between this and Red Dawn the CIA is doing a bang up job making North Korea look scary through films.
When I take over Disney I'll take this movie and turn it into a reign of fire sequel in post-production.
Basketball! Che Guevara! Bad CGI!
Jeff who works at Jurassic Park?
What's Yes?
Disney blu rays of the original versions of the films?
I hope he shouts a lot and then tries to steal ape bibles.
back in 04 he appeared to be in every movie, now I didn't see him anywhere aside from Contagion and Side Effects. maybe cause people liked him in side effects enough to forget about Alfie?
by the end of the series we'll be more familiar with Emilia Clarke's genitals than our own
Saw and enjoyed Side Effects and met a cute girl in the theater. Later I saw Stranger than Paradise on Hulu, my second Jim Jarmush film after Down By Law. I was told Stranger than Paradise is a little rough when seen next to his later works and is more important than it is enjoyable but I liked it, a black comedy…
it's like Peep Show only with girls?
never saw it but that' my impression.
Meh, I liked Manhunter more
nothing makes a serious drama about sexuality like sexy actresses.
And I just wrote a joke blog where a hack writer turns Madame Defarge into an action hero who fights Napoleon's half son and goes to china and gets bigger boobs in lavish detail.
In other words feminists will love it