
meet the parents with humorous karate? how can this go wrong?

meet the parents with humorous karate? how can this go wrong?

wasn't he writing the adaption for the forever war?

wasn't he writing the adaption for the forever war?

Played by Jack Nicholson!

I hope this one has an original soundtrack.

he demanded that the cast and crew join his reformed ass-kicking budda church and give him top billing and make costars appear on Lawman, the crew politely declined.

Alec Guinness costars with a sequel to "The professional" with him and Jean Reno fighting demonic drug dealers.

Robert Paterson should play maddox in a biographical film called "The best movie in the universe".

a video game based on that Hallie Berry movie? no way.

"mom I am doing my summer reading, I'm reading the quest descriptions in WOW. and then I'm gonna watch Akira subtitled."

I myself can live off single Netfilx disc delivery for a monthly fee so suck it cable and streaming services.

please be a martial arts flick starring Mark Dacascos

hot wheels with Werner Herzog?

oh boy poker! I'm great at that you have two cards and you can't go over 21 and…


so are bros people who watch Spike TV? or the unholy children of surfer dudes and jersey girls? or both?

Collateral meets cash cab?

shouldn't this reviewer be writing about that new vampire movie?

well the director of the Fantastic Four movies might as well have been a robot.