
Yeah but if you don’t tell the guy why you’re refusing his service then it’s all to no real point, he will just roll on to the next house and life goes on.  You know you did something good, but he will never have the slightest idea why you cancelled the job.

a purple-haired lesbian surrounded by her teammates with giant “DARE TO SHINE” signs around her is like, an incredible image as we reach the end of Pride Month, it makes my gay little heart so fucking happy.

Fuck Trump with a rusty pitchfork, but at the same time: I have precisely zero sympathy for anyone dumb enough to enter a good faith agreement with Donald fucking Trump with money involved. Holy shit, the man has a track record decades long of going back on signed contracts, and his tenure as president has been marked

Fuck this animal cruelty for shits and giggles, and fuck whoever replies telling me they’re just pigeons.

Hot take: Stewart is a better actor than Pattinson. R-Patz is pretty solid, but watch Stewart in things like Personal Shopper and you see that she can give remarkably textured performances.

Maybe you’re unfamiliar with the term “accused”

Well, I find it unfair that my genetics have caused me to not run as fast as other runners. Since this is all about fairness and an equal playing field, I insist that all the runners with better muscle structure eat more McDonald’s. 

I would pay big money to see another Justice League where straight up the main villain is just Shannon Doherty.

I love this ad.

Right... so we should do nothing.

No it’s not. Mueller is a lifelong Republican.

As awful as this, at least New Zealanders can take comfort in the fact that tens of millions of their citizens and half their government aren’t going to say in the immediate aftermath that the lives lost are less important than some archaic 200 year old amendment that the gun lobby uses to rake in profits under the

All I know is my car gets forty rods to the hogshead and that’s the way I likes it

Christ almighty, you’re such a transparently disingenuous liar.

Have you considered a Honda CX500/GL500/GL650 lately?

Hot Take! Rebecca Romijn’s version of the character is definitive. She’s mean and sexy and dangerous and, you know, mysterious.

For a normal hire, it’s probably not desirable to do that sort of digging. For someone who is going to be your social media presence, I think knowing what their public social media looks like is pretty highly relevant.

I have a feeling that "small" amount of oil she cooked them in was an inch or more deep.

Alternatively, we could, you know, not invade countries for no reason, then we can have both arms free to do actually useful things.