
So we can make certain assumptions about where they kept their decoder rings, then?

Too bad. Kristen Stewart's acting could use some depth.

@CandyBacon: I love the way bright makeup pops against my skin (when the occasion calls for drama), but for some reason I'm afraid of all things purple.

I don't get what La Wintour's leather bomber with fur has to do with her outfit at all.

@Madge: I have this one, er, "friend" who conned different people into paying for her bottle service and booze tab for four nights in a row. She would tell everyone to come join her at certain bars and clubs, and then use "it's my birthday" guilt to get them to cover the charges.

@Elaken: I think it's totally fine to be treated on your birthday, but I think more and more people ARE crossing that "birthday admission" line.

@Madge: Yes. This goes in line with certain friends of mine declaring their own Birthday Week and expecting me and others to cover their $500 dinners and cocktails every night.

When I think about who I want to spend my birthday with, my best friend would be at the top of that list. Therefore, I would choose to do something less expensive, or plan something in addition to what I really wanted to do, in order to include her. But that's just me.

Autopsy dates: for when you want to show that special someone you're a step above necrophilia.

Isn't the point of a cover to draw people to the editorial?

My guess is that you've already lost at something if you need to get your date liquored up for her to show any sign of interest.

My current supervisor knows, and it was a brief, respectful disclosure. Nothing is mentioned of it, and I'm not treated any differently. So far (knock on wood) I haven't had any major crashes, but my supervisor appreciated having context as to how and why I might not be able to function at my normal level at times,

@SquidIceCream: I've done it before, and I'm sure a fair amount of my friends have, too. Sometimes you get caught in the moment, and the semi-public aspect can be a turn-on for certain people.

@elyseface: I remember it being mentioned that Rihanna is a bridesmaid in Katy's wedding and was in charge of planning her bachelorette party. So I imagine they're fairly close.