Looks like a boiled chicken down there without anything.
Looks like a boiled chicken down there without anything.
This is rape.
I'm feeling weird about the whole situation because I'm trying to decide if I think this is legit or a hoax. It sounds like these people do things for attention and they are Christian conservatives with an agenda. I hope that my concerns are unfounded.
On one hand, it’s good to have people discussing a miscarriage so publicly. Most people live this out in private without having much outside support, even though it’s a very normal occurrence.
omg that’s it no more campaign coverage for fox. or anyone. no one has any more campaign privileges. also no more campaigns. also no more presidents. NO MORE ANYTHING. EVERYBODY OUT.
I wondered where that name came from, but I never looked it up. I like knowing name derivations, so thanks :)
What has five hands and is that conflicted?
As satisfying as it would be to obliterate this shit stain from the face of the earth, isn’t this precisely what he wants: to become a martyr to some nebulous Islamic cause, go directly to paradise, and fuck virgins?
The Fiona by Moving Comfort. Adjustable straps, back hook (no squeezing over your head or wriggling out of it), and you order by band/cup size (but only up to DD). Your boobs will not move at all. I stock up when they're on sale on amazon.
The Fiona by Moving Comfort. Adjustable straps, back hook (no squeezing over your head or wriggling out of it), and…
Yah...that was me. I'm TeamDog 110%!! So much so that I'm willing to get robbed (though there would be nothing to steal)
Re: the makeup question.
it's a hard shape. I have a very Kardashianesque figure. Size 12 butt size 6 waist. I have to fit my ass and tailor down from there. It helps to wear stretchy fabrics and skinny close fitting clothes, anything that accentuates the waist otherwise I end up looking stumpy. I wear a lot of belts.
I know, Brain, but how will we find Lena Dunham, a bulldozer, and 90 pounds of Twizzlers on such short notice?
a second commenter in addition to you mentioned ginger beer instead of ale. Vigorous experimentation is in order. For science!
I am Jesse Spano levels of excited for this movie.
At this point, he began angrily shaking a bottle of ketchup, dumped it all over his once-beautiful porterhouse