
money being sent from mexicans here, back home makes up something like almost half their economy or something crazy like that.

lol absolutely not

Yes it’s true, it is a different world. Like the secure fence act which both hillary and obama voted for, this is old legislation that is being taken off the shelf to reactions they never had before.

it’s true do you recall a global reaction like this in the past?

God I hope one happens in LA

This so awesome. I bow down to whoever is running this

Ah yes, the man Ewan Mcgregor feels sorry for and Meryl Streep gives standing ovations too....


the limo that was destroyed belonged to a muslim immigrant business owner who says the nearly 100,000 loss is not covered by insurance since they don’t cover riots. oh, the irony.

i would like ewan to call out his pal roman polanski who drugged and azz raped a 13 yr old girl then fled the country to avoid jail. i would like most of hollywood to call him out. ahem meryl...and woody allen for that matter. but no, let’s all focus on Pier’s Morgan?!?!

i wonder if kara feels the same distrust for the women of color who haven’t marched in the past or only for whitey? it’s more of a rhetorical question in this case because i was at LA and it was a very white march. it was noticable that alot of women of color chose to sit this one out

i love the position the guy who did this is in. reveal himself and become an instant folk hero yet face criminal charges and all the aggro that goes with that or stay on the DL and relish that shit forever like an everlasting gobstopper and maybe just maybe tell those closest to you.

That’s mostly why I come.

An impenetrable wall. It’s like the Mafia. Deny everything!!!

this is a great topic and so pertinent. i think this notion of feminim and being pro choice as being intrinsically connected is a newer phenomenon. I am pro choice but would be hard pressed to say a pro life woman fighting for her personal beliefs in not a feminist. for me she’s a feminst just not one i agree with

Thank you because i can’t stop laughing at your surgical interjections through this thread

Lady Gaga seems like an odd choice for the Super Bowl demographic.

republicans total disregard and downright aggressiveness towards the environment on every level is in my mind,  the most dangerous position they take for the human race. i dont get how a party can be so vehementally pro life and yet work to stomp out the foundation of life itself.

But not necessarily a partisan one. Anyhow to a nonpolitical person and clearly we have many since about fifty percent of the pop didn’t vote, all they are focused on is what a huge gig it is or maybe the money. Who knows but a lot of performers just want to perform we have seen seen it with already famous and

His supporters see him as the ultimate outsider from the establishment(even many of his own party don’t want him) this TOTAL boycott by celebs( which is in part only due to fan backlash) not only proves the point to trump supporters but also confirms to them all their derogatory beliefs about liberals. it also tells