
Her aha moment was about fan backlash plan and simple.. I think a lot of nonpolitical artists have been forced into a position of being political.

I am scared shitless of China

that’s not how it works here at jezebel.

why? you didn’t create the shirt.

it’s so insane

women can never get a freakin break and most especially from other women.

my reaction was not ya it’s plausible more than i would say so for about any one else on the planet. but i agree crap like this is a total distraction.

yes casey is another poster boy for misogyn in hollywood i can only assume octavia didnt know about it otherwise i would assume she like, most any other women, would not have mentioned her underwear to such a guy.

wow this comment as all types of nasty little edges to it esp the fake sympathy for this kid

when you give roman polanski standing ovations and nominate mel gibson for awards i no longer care what you have to say about most anything

after seeing meryl streep jump to her feet to give child ass rapist roman polanski and standing ovation for winning best director in 2003 i really dont at all care what she has to say about anything. I enjoy her as an actress tho. also how did mel gibson go from racist jew hating woman beating misogynist go to

It has finally crystallized for me that politics have been totally infected by the basic rules of reality TV. Fake news, conspiracry theories, lying liarfaces and the lies they tell and “keepin’ it real”, twitter fights included.

and some republicans too

i think many are not watching because trump is an EP on it

this whole thing makes me so emotional. What exactly is the plan for pro lifers? people have all these unwanted kids and then what? if the parents can’t or won’t take care of these kids then what do they want to do? i never hear that part of the plan.

ugh! it’s true

From what i understand it was a private concert for the dictator’s daughter not a springsteen play for the peeps move. It’s not just Beyonce and i am totally fine with anyone getting called out on hypocracy.

it’s not just beyonce sting did a concert for the daughter of a torture loving dictator and justified it thusly

i really want this poor girl to rest in peace. all she and this story represents and the endless fascination with it is pure sensationalism for profit.

i think this is his biggest thing since american idol