
"Sure, Sanna fuck a fat woman inna ass."

Yeah, it's almost infuriating how tone-deaf this reviewer was. Luckily I'm listening to October Rust and it's cheered me right up.

Her funniest single line delivery was "just a dinosaur" in Toy Story 3. I immediately rewound to watch it again.

I'm one of those snobby A/V types who buys Blu-ray and invested a bit in a decent speaker setup and Mister Dooley's work really leapt out of the screen and moved around the room.

I just watched your movie and loved it. I'm not even much of a horror fan, but despite the self-awareness I was genuinely creeped out quite a few times. What an excellent little feature. Great work! I enjoyed the sound design too.

Finasteride did the trick for me.

Do you switch positions during the jazzier bit in the middle?

It's ALWAYS a good time to listen to White/Rob Zombie.

The restored "director's cut" on Blu-ray is a serious improvement, but then I've always enjoyed the film.

Doesn't seem like it. Last supported player was Clip Zip.

Sansa Clip supports a 32GB (or 64GB) card if you install Rockbox on it. Great little player.

Why can't artists "release songs" anymore? Why do they have to "drop" "jams"?

It really is spectacularly good. I did a little Scandi flick buying binge at a Norwegian website and Klovn was one of the titles I got, and I nearly died laughing.

Moranis and Greene's performance are very cartoonish (especially Greene's ridiculous squeaky voice) and I found that distancing enough that - when I watched the movie for the first time ever (it was the director's cut on Blu-ray) - I laughed at the plants taking over. I'd no idea there was another ending.

I loved it, as I knew James Bond was about to follow. It's much better than any of their current logos.

Blu-ray is pretty damn cheap now. My home theatre is really nice and so I just wait for most things to appear on disc and then buy them. If it turns out I hate it (rare, thanks to the net's abundance of opinions from people I trust) I can actually take the disc to a fleamarket and sell it.

Flash Gordon is hilarious. Do yourself a favour and listen to the director's commentary on the Blu-ray. Everyone was having a blast and the producer had no clue it was tongue-in-cheek.

Best comedian alive.

This movie was not worth seeing, but so obviously mangled by interference and compromise that picking at the seams was fascinating.

It's the Hokey Cokey of the modern era. Gimmick music that has appeal to parents of small children.