
No, but maybe she wanted a romantic interlude, or maybe just wanted to see where he worked. It wouldn't be that hard for her to get to the Internal Affairs office, and find out that he doesn't exist.

And look, you've just summed up the whole article.

Yeah, but she wasn't thinking about ramifications that much anyway, or she wouldn't have made the wish she did.

Disqus doesn't know that I have two monikers which refer to bees. *Sigh*

I think she could easily have said something that would have protected him better, though. Why not "I wish my father comes to no harm?"

Sounds like you're not trusting the system…

At least one of them is a brother, anyway.

How old are the people with magic? Rumpelstiltskin's been around for a while, I think. Hook was in love with Mala (Mara?) when Neal was a kid, so he continued to age while Neal was in Neverland…? Is it supposed to make sense?

I think a lot of these princes are just background characters. Consider who they're based on. In the animated Cinderella, I don't even think the prince has a speaking role. Neal is a fairly well-written character, so is Grumpy. Even though Prince Charming is whitebread now, he was interesting at one point.

This list is cracking me up. This show is so silly.