
Reports out of Alouettes training camp say that Michael Sam was having a hard time adjusting to his role in the 12-man CFL defensive scheme, where teams generally employ a fifth defensive back.

Since all the dinosaurs are female and they talk to one another, presumably about anything other than men, would that mean that Jurassic Park has the highest score on the Bedchel Test?

How in the world did you miss this one?

Pretty shitty of people to use an amputee veteran as a thin veil for their transphobia

My beloved progressive state is dead.

I gotta say, up until Caitlyn’s transition started being a news story, I thought that the Kardashians were pointless, useless, and a huge waste of airtime. At this point, though, if even one trans kid has gained a lift, if the movement for trans rights has been pushed forward even a little bit, that's awesome. That

My current job involves working a lot on the inclusion/diversity initiatives of my company, hence I think it’s great to see someone so very much in the public eye take these kinds of steps. I don’t envy the treatment she’ll receive - a cursory look at the comment thread when Rachel Nichols posted this on her Facebook

I play the exact same little game when on a flight. It’s amazing what starts to look good after your fourth hour stuck in a tube. Maybe it’s a byproduct of being so close the the chemtrail genererators?

It took me way too long to realize you didn’t mean that the brother had just gotten a job at Marshall’s. I was like, “Who throws a fucking party for that?”

True story: some guest’s +1 did this at my cousin’s wedding; it was basically a wedding dress if you married (hah) a little black dress and a wedding dress. Office printer paper white and more lace than the actual bride’s dress—justified, of course, by the fact that the +1 had been married 5 months ago and considered

I was married on a Saturday, flew across the country for my honeymoon on the following Monday. My dad, his fiance, my siblings, and my dad’s siblings all rented a vacation house on an island in our homestate for the rest of the week - fun for them, fun for me. Wednesday night my dad called me to inform me that on

I found this gem too :

I would rather watch Chopped reruns every week than Jaguars Hard Knocks.

So basically, his statement was “It was a terrible youthful indiscretion but Jesus is over it so why aren’t all of you? Also, my wife is cool with it, so NBD!”

For the record, I never would’ve taken Jolie up on her offer to try this diet had I known the degree to which it would affect her. I’m truly sorry for what she went through, but I’m glad she was willing to share the experience—it’s painful to read but important. And I want to thank her for the unflinching honesty.

Fat AND happy here. I’m just a few years and a few pounds more than you. I love fashion and have clothing, shoes, and accessories that I love and tend to err to the side of “dressy” in most situations. I love to wear makeup and try out new hairstyles. I am also pretty outgoing and a performer. My skinny to average

This man is smart. This is a very smart man who is very good at thinking.

Girl, are you still here or did you move? Let’s be friends.