False equivalency - “girls in bikinis” is not the same thing as “girls in bikinis pandering to the male gaze and actively promoting the objectification of women for their own personal profit”.
False equivalency - “girls in bikinis” is not the same thing as “girls in bikinis pandering to the male gaze and actively promoting the objectification of women for their own personal profit”.
Yeah what a weird comment in an otherwise interesting retrospective. If anything, these movies made you care about the characters to a fault, so concerned were they with pretty much everyone getting their own individual arcs. Plus, I think we sometimes forget that with good casting we often don’t need so much in the…
The arc of Theoden’s central dilemma, “Is this it? Is this my legacy?” makes a lot more sense when I’m 20 years older. It is sold so well by Hill’s performance.
“I would’ve followed you. My brother. My captain. My king.”
To be fair to Jackson, he knew The Hobbit should not try to replicate LoTR’s run time. It would have been doable as two 2-hour light adventure films, but the studio was determined to make another LoTR trilogy in both length and tone. Jackson only caved after several years of studio pressure and unholy financial…
Howard Shore will probably never be known for anything other than these movies...but that’s a hell of a legacy. Everything about the trilogy is masterful (the production, direction, writing, cinematography, casting, acting) but damn, if the music doesn’t really sell it. They truly wouldn’t be the same without that…
I have to respectfully disagree and say I think Return of the King absolutely is a masterpiece. It hits every beat, it works every moment, it earns everything the previous films set out to do. It has equal parts grandeur moderated with devastation and poignancy and heartbreak. Somewhere between Pippin’s song…
The endings – I get the jokes that are made. But I’d be interested to know what people should be cut. They last for about 20 minutes which, even to a 3 hour 20 minute film, isn’t a huge chunk and especially not for a 9 hour plus story. But I can at least see that the way they’re edited makes them seem like they’re…
Having fell in love with Fellowship when it was released (and, having started work at a cinema, getting to see it and The Two Towers many times each), I can’t remember being more excited for a film than this one – or having a more emotional reaction to one. From “I can’t carry it for you” onwards I seemed to remember…
unless he’s promoting that people rewatch “First Contact”
I’ll stick with the version of Cyborg in Doom Patrol. Thanks.
IIRC (and, granted, not a legal expert) NDAs are void if they’re being used to try and conceal illegal / unethical conduct, though, which is what Fisher has been heavily implying has been going on.
Fisher likes to imagine the studio is waging a war on him, when in public at least, the studio literally left him alone right up until Fisher tried to drag Walter Hamada into this mess (an executive who had literally no involment in whatever happened in DC). So the smear campaign Fisher thinks is being run, is really…
Where is this campaign being waged, exactly?
There’s been no details from Fisher, no real public response from WB.
It’s also not clear what kind of damage anyone here is suffering. No one really thinks there’s going to be a Cyborg movie, do they? Or another JLA movie? Anything Fisher might say in the future isn’t likely…
Absolutely nobody fucking expected Cap to be dead permanently. You’re not going to make a big budget Avengers game and have Captain Fucking America be playable in one level only.
I mean, Destiny is repetitive gameplay, too. Do you like shooting aliens, because holy shit do you fight a lot of aliens. But Destiny is hugely successful and can be a real blast, even in single-player (sometimes).
By the way, the first episode is available for free on YouTube!
The fact that he looked like a Walgreens manager probably didn’t help his reputation either.
I’m mixed on this. There is a lot of bad in it, but their is stuff in it that is important to the black American identity too. I don’t see why it can’t have the big disclaimer on it, and maybe an accompanying documentary talking about the bad stuff and how it is harmful, along with pointing out the folktales that…