
The only problem are all the people cheering on the other mass murdering, immigrant hating war criminals like Obama. Instead of caring about justice most people are just partisan idiots.

I still want a proper Sleeping Beauty live action movie, not this monstrosity.

It si appropriate that you used a JJ gif though, another lying media pundit mocking the actual hero of the story.

Yes, not blowing up children, killing innocent civilians, and funding terrorism is a “Syrian” talking point. You “Progressives” sure do love to repeat the talking points of the military-industrial complex, so much so that you can’t decide whether to vote for the guy who spent 8 years helping to drone bomb schools,

Fools often mock.

Voting for the same old wamrongering power hoarding liars that don’t give a single shit about you like Kamala is stupid.

It isn’t the role of the US President to be involved in Kashmir. So I don’t see your point.

Now playing

Daily reminder that Kamala Harris has no problems profiting off the suffering of minorities in order to obtain political power and her history puts to the lie her political claims.

This entire series is idiotic in the extreme. How anyone could treat it in anyway serious is beyond me. It deserves nothing but to be mocked and discarded.

>WWE will see its monopolistic hold

And the results will be a lot more dead black babies. It isn’t enough that white people have murdered thousands -maybe millions- of black babies since 1620, now black women have to get in on the slaughter. Heaven forbid there be enough black children one day that their population should be on par with the number of

Sure. And so do white people and black people. But I would argue that for many first and second generation immigrants at least “Latino” makes a general sense as those groups still tend to speak a Latin/Romance language- Spanish. Of course not all people fit into the a general category. No one expects that to be true

Because people are stupid sometimes. Seriously. Expecting any single term to cover the wide variety of people, millions of experiences, is stupid.

Latino was never meant to describe your specific experience, it is a general term meant to group people by language and not race or ethnic ties. Just like “English-speaking” covers Americans, the Scottish, Welsh, Irish, English, Australians, and India. No one expects it do accurately define those people in any way.

Color terms make no sense. “White” doesn’t explain the different nationalities and ethnicities of “whites”- from the Spanish to Anglo-Saxons and Greeks to the Welsh, “white” people are incredibly varied and speaking of them all as the same is dumb. The same is true of “black” people. There are over 3,000 ethnicities

Bill Clinton is a rapist who raped Juanita Brooks and Hillary helped cover it up. Anyone who supports them is garbage.

Anyone who voted for him sucks.

Barack Obama is child-killing, warmongering criminal scum who deserves to spend the rest of his life in a prison cell. That anyone gives him praise is just proof that partisan politics are an illness and Democrats are as stupid as Republicans.

I love how Giz gave one good early piece and everything since the Leftist Group Think Mahcine started spouting stupid shit and told everyone this movie justified Dylan Roof and all of use should been *scaaaarreeeedddd* has been negative.

What a joke.

Perfect example of the difference between not hating people for their poor choices or circumstances in life life and glorifying wrong choices in life. This is the kind of garbage that people are talking about when they accuse liberals of being libertines.