
Hogan’s Leg Drop was just a bounce off the ropes!

I hope AEW gets Leva Bates some more training. She is charismatic and fun. She connects really well with the crowds. With some more intensive training she could be a great wrestler. The possibilities and potentials are there, she just hasn’t had the experience she needs to get to the next level.

If you go to the Magic Kingdom there is one.

The whole article demonstrates the problem with socialism- it imagines humanity to be different than it really is and then gets angry when humans be human. Jay-Z was never about ethics or morality. Nor do his fans give a single rats ass about whatever pet cause Deadspin claims to champion. They aren’t stupid for that-

I’d demand a refund. The Disneyland RR is one of my must rides. I love trains.

Of course her work is devaluing. She is a participant in one of the most anti-feminist, woman hating, sexist industries on the planet. Pornography is nothing but objectification of a person, dehumanizing them into an object- the equivalent of a human Happy Meal. Trying to pretend that has any sort of social value or

What a stupid ruling.

I loved watching Goldberg destroy Lesnar at the Rumble. I wish he had taken two F5s at Mania, but it was still great.

Trump isn’t getting impeached, ever. And if he were it wouldn’t lead to anything. No sitting President in all of history has ever been unseated by trial, and not for lack of trying. While I would love to see all the politicians in DC be burned to the ground most people do. not. care. And it isn’t going to get the

Most of human existence is to some degree.

IHOP makes tasty omelettes.

>There is no more insidiously anti-collective, pro-ego, crypto-Scientological message than this idea

Being respectful of your friend’s feelings and personal identity doesn’t make you unworthy.

Well, duh.

Do not confuse “promotes” with “exposes.” The Bible is full of everything because it tells human stories and humans are all those things. But do not confuse the telling of the story with the promotion of the activity.

WHile tehr eis definitely some debate about hwo to deifne rleigion in academic circles -should Christian be what doctrine states or how people actually live, for example- you’re still definitely wrong. If this person stated that reincarnation was a Christian belief they would be 100% in error. The

Its articles like this that make actual Progressives look like the “libtards” obsessed with purity over reality that Republicans always portray them as in the news. This is a blog post masquerading as journalism which can easily be shown by the minimum amount of work you put in that just decimates the blog’s argument.

Making fun of someone who gets taken in by a conspiracy isn’t how you spread knowledge or make things better and sharing a single video doesn’t make you evil. The whole response of this article is self-defeating.

And none of those facts have any relevance to the question of MMA fighting.

>hurtful, awful rhetoric

Except it isn’t. Men who transition to women do still have the bone structure of men- including typical size and height advantages. This isn’t rhetoric. That is science. Thinking otherwise just makes you sound like the idiot stereotype that Republicans portray Leftists to be. Whether that