
Well, the issue there is that it is different across the world. Like “whiteness” is different in America than in China, blackness is different in America than it is even in places where Africans were taken as slaves, such as Cuba or the Dominican Republic, not to mention places like India or Russia. I think as a term

So, she beat a Democrat in a Democrat district and that is an accomplishment? Hardly.

Proving all you need is a smile to get you to enslave yourself.

>“The president shouldn’t be asking for more money for an agency that has systematically violated human rights,” she continued. “He should really be defending why we are funding such an agency at all.”

The shutdown is not a problem, it is a solution. The problem is the government. The solution is to get rid of it.

Modern racism was invented to allow slave owners to morally and “scientifically” justify slavery. And why did they want to justify slavery? $$$$$$$$$$

Which, for what it is worth, is exactly what Trump was talking about in his infamous comments. People let famous people do terrible shit around them and to them and think it is good because that person is famous.

Did you miss the lesosn on the problem with the Telephone Game in school?

That was a ....surprisingly well balanced interview. I’m so used to those things being nothing but pro-my party anti-the other party polemics that it was refreshing to read.

As late as 1850 girls as young as 14 made up 1 out of 100 marriage sin America, mostly on the frontier. I reference this point to say that in 150 years our way at looking at what constitutes a child has changed dramatically, mostly thanks to greater general wealth and industrialization. It has only been since the 50s

The reality is that she is safer than anytime in history.

And they deliver on Sundays!

Well, are they actually lesbians or not? If not then of course there is no sexual pay of. Great intimate friendships are not necessarily romantic or sexual. But if they are written as lesbians or bisexuals then I can understand the frustration.

>another Bioware game with lifeless areas like Inquisition and Andromeda, filled with menial side quests.

SJW? Not really. Cap stood for actual rights for actual people. SJW’s are just another partisan ahck group who equate their singular social vision as the only “just” form and demonize anyone who slightly disagrees with them even if said people are themselves members of the same political movement.

In other words, like Ennis but better. I’ll take John Wayne Captain America over Superman making new members of the Justice League suck his dick any day.

IN other words, when you failed to realize you didn’t understand the book.

You do understand that Ultimate Captain America is satire, right? That he is a parody of the jingoistic American Exceptionalism that many see 616 Cap as?