“You men the same company that gave us living dead pirates, cursed mutated seamen and a Kraken?”
“You men the same company that gave us living dead pirates, cursed mutated seamen and a Kraken?”
I am not interested in a Rob Zombie version of Haunted Mansion movie but those acting like the ride is a pure “family friendly” ride necessitating a bland toothless product placement movie aren’t correct either.
I am not interested in a Rob Zombie version of Haunted Mansion movie but acting like the ride is a pure “family friendly” ride necessitating a bland toothless product placement movie isn’t correct either.
They did Wanda dirty by not following her arc on her show.
“Secret Invasion cost over $200 million to produce.”
Yes, it’s buried on Hulu
I guess if they embrace a sary 8-ball movie like Hasbro embraces ouija board movies it might work
I would fall into that age group but I am not interested in the TOS era at this point (in spite of the excellent SNW).
The crazy thing is that they could have just made the show 70 years after TNG and dropped the Spock sister angle and most of the problems are solved.
I wonder if all these shows were the mandate of Bob Chapek to try to boost Disney Plus. None of this feels like the way Feige operated.
This whole series felt like a way to placate Jackson. It felt like Marvel said to Jackson “We know you are pissed that you weren’t included in Civil War or Black Panther so we will give you this show.”
“Sure, why not? A single player on a team can have a great game, even if the team loses.”
“Mobilehomeland Security”
I think part of it is TV, specifically The Andy Griffith show. It romanticizes a small town in North Carolina to the point of absurdity and that is from someone who has enjoyed several episodes (particularly the Christmas Away in the Manger episode).
I think it can be both dumb and opportunistic.
“How long till he gets sued for seXual harassment over holding meetings in the S3Xy conference room?”
“If your characters can’t have a meaningful effect on the problems that they’re facing then it all starts to feel pointless.”
“I found it funny that the older woman basically said we’re going to need ALL the religions to fight this!”
““Why would the crew of Beetlejuice just leave that sculpture hanging outside unsupervised?” It’s one of the most recognizable sculptures in the original movie, and I’m betting a sizeable portion of the general public could identify what movie it came from as well.”
I love that gif every time I see it. It looks like Gamera is just having fun on a bar in between fights.