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    I will grant you that the scene did have the unintended effect of making it initially confusing.

    I think they showed her as a Skrull first because she changed her appearance from a white woman earlier in the show to a black woman and wanted to avoid confusion.

    “Want to make a movie about how Gandalf trains a rag-tag group of hobbits how to skateboard to save their failing hole in the wall at bag end from being turned into a boring sacksville hotel?”

    The window for this IP passed in the late 90s-early 2000s for all the Gen Xers who saw the TLWW cartoon.

    “it’s now clear that Fury knows his wife is a Skrull, which solves one of the mysteries from last episode.”

    Which date will the MAGAs storm Monrovia?

    I believe once he was legally forced to buy Twitter even though he was just shooting his mouth off, he decided to tank it to take the loss so he can apply for the write-off to supplement his other businesses like SpaceX.

    I believe once he was legally forced to buy Twitter even though he was just shooting his mouth off, he decided to tank it to take the loss so he can apply for the write-off to supplement his other businesses like SpaceX.

    Definitely a lazy oversight but Kevin Bacon and “a backwoods bounty hunter who comes back from the dead with an unexpected second chance at life, and love, and a nearly-forgotten musical career — only to find that his old job now has a demonic new twist” sounds so crazy that I am here for it.

    “a secret society of vampires who feed on human blood through electromagnetism”

    Is Liam Neeson ok? The last time I saw an actor go cash grab this hard was Cage with tax problems and Willis who had health problems.

    Not one comment about “Unicorn: Warriors Eternal”. About right. It has been a frustrating show, especially in comparison to Primal. One sec it seems to be locking into it’s story and the next it wants to be clownish.

    nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes...and Sony fucking up it’s Marvel property

    Another dog-whistle you forgot to mention that the show is playing into is that bigoted replacement theory that AHole Tucker loves to push. In this case the immigrants literally replace Americans, etc. A little too close for comfort.

    Linda doesn’t like Marvel so is only half paying attention to what is going on.

    “The home of Star Trek” MY ass.

    Makes me sad because I was enjoying it and the visuals looked gorgeous. But at least MAGA Chakotay stays lost in future.

    The beginning felt like Star Wars but the end felt like Star Trek

    I don’t know who that person is you posted but what she wrote seems pretty heartless.

    I had to look that up because it seemed to good of a pint to be true. Yep you are right, Gunn wrote it.  Helps bolster DC’s choice.