They look like bad instagrams set in a hotel room with a vibrating bed that last saw an update in 1978.
They look like bad instagrams set in a hotel room with a vibrating bed that last saw an update in 1978.
My big thing: Layering with wools. Doesn't matter if it's lamb, merino, possum, angora, or dog. Animal fibres beat the pants off synthetics and cotton for warmth and breathability. Long johns with merino or silk are especially good. This company makes silk longjohns, and they're having a sale.
I quickly learned today that wearing 6 layers of shitty clothing just makes you bulky, not warm. So I was even slower than usual when trying to escape the cold.
::frames this::
Thank you!
How do you know when you are eighty percent full? Does that fork whisper it to you or something? How does anyone know when they're eighty percent anything?
thats just cruel. Seriously. Don't get the kid a PS4/Xbone if his grades suck, but don't get his hopes up like that either! Just explain to him if he can increase his grades he can get one at the end of the school year. No need to be a dick about it.
1) You do not have a right to be the star of your own nationally-syndicated television show. That is a huge, huge privilege that is bestowed upon a very, very small amount of people in the entire nation. It's ok to have standards, like, must be competent, and must not be a horrible person.
"I can tell you nothing about this man's career because he's only on this list so I can pretend to find Asian men attractive and be able write articles about Hollywood's bias against Asian actors."
I know this is the internet, where some people pride themselves on being ambivalent or contrary, but if you don't agree with a sentiment or don't want to participate in something, you also have the option of just, y'know, saying nothing on the subject.
you forgot:
"only football players do that shit"...and continue to have their ass kissed and receive a diploma. A regular student would be kicked out.
As educators, our hands are pretty tied in these things. We can report the issues to the academic affairs officers and our direct superiors, but (especially as doctoral students) that's as far as it can go. Naming names is out of the question, because federal laws protect the students.